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代写Web Application Python CS留学生题目:COMP249 Assignment: Job Board Web Application

2018-03-28 08:00 星期三 所属: Python代写,python代做代考-价格便宜,0时差服务 浏览:739

COMP249 Assignment: Job Board Web Application

This semester we will be writing a simple job board application called
   Jobs! that allows users to post job position descriptions.

To give you an idea of what the application does, there is a demonstration
version at http://comp249.stevecassidy.net/.

Since this is your first significant web application, we've cut down the
features to make it manageable.  However we maintain the core of the
application and what you write could be extended to something like a real
product.  Your application will support logging in users, posting jobs
   and viewing job listings. We don't require you
to be able to register new users or handle user profile changes etc.

You are given a 'starter kit' which contains the bare outline of the
application.  From this starting point, you will implement the full site
in phases according to a detailed set of functional requirements.  At the end
of each phase, a set of automated tests will be used to see if you have
met the criteria for that phase.  Some of the marks for this assignment
will be based on your passing these automated tests.

While this task may seem quite daunting, it should be achievable if you
work through the examples we have provided and work on the problem
bit by bit.  We have run similar tasks in the past in COMP249 and most
students have succeeded in getting a working system going.

Level 1

The first phase of the project involves writing a basic web application
   that can serve two pages.


Level 2

In this phase you will interface to a backend database and provide
views that list all positions.


Level 3

The next phase of development adds the ability to login to the application
and post new position listings.


Going Further

This is just the start of the project. In Assignment 3 you will rewrite
the application to use Javascript in the front end and connect to a back-end
service that I provide.  There will be scope to implement new features when
you tackle that assignment.

Required Python Modules

This project makes use of the following Python modules that you will need to install to
       complete the work and run the tests:

  • Bottle – web development framework

  • Bottle SQLite plugin
                   – for database access from Bottle

  • WebTest – for testing web applications

You can use the module installer in PyCharm to install these libraries for your project.

Starter Kit

The starter kit is a zip file containing  a set of Python
files to get you started on this project. These files provide a framework for you
to work within, you will need to add more code of your own and possibly more
modules (Python files, templates) to complete the implementation.

You can download the starter pack here:    comp249-2018-jobs-starter.
   It is also available as a Bitbucket project    comp249-2018-jobs-starter,
if you are a git user you could fork the repository from there – please be sure to keep your own version
       private if you keep your work on Bitbucket (or Github).

The contents of the starter pack are as follows:

  • database.py – code to create the database and load sample data

  • main.py – main application script with a simple example

  • interface.py – stubs for the level 2 required functions

  • users.py – stubs for the level 3 required functions

  • positions.json – sample job listings taken from the github jobs API.

  • level1_functional.py – functional tests for Level 1

  • level2_functional.py – functional tests for Level 2

  • level2_unit.py – unit tests for Level 2

  • level3_functional.py – functional tests for Level 3

  • level3_unit.py – unit tests for Level 3

  • static – directory containing a sample CSS file

The database.py module contains code to create the database
tables that you will need for the assignment and load in some sample data from
the positions.json file.  You need to run this file to create
   the database when you start the project.
You can also re-run it if
you want to reset your database to a known state.

The database contains the following tables:

  • users: fields nick (user nickname), password,                avatar (URL of an avatar image)

  • sessions: fields sessionid, usernick, where usernick is
               a reference to the nick field in the users table

  • posts: fields id, timestamp, usernick, content

There are also two other tables votes and follows that are not
       used in the core requirements but that you can use if you wish to implement further features.

Each user is identified by a nickname that is stored in the nick field in the        users table.  This field is used as a foreign key in other tables to refer to
       the user.  To select data from both tables you will need to do a query with a join.

The positions table deserves further comment. The id field is an auto-incremented
       integer id for each post, you don't need to give this a value, it will automatically get a new unique value
       when you insert a row.  The timestamp field will also default to the current time
       and date in the format '2015-02-20 01:45:06' if you don't provide a value when you add a row.  So,
       to add a row to the positions table you just need:

sql = """INSERT INTO positions (owner, title, location, company, description) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"""
cursor.execute(sql, [usernick, title, location, company, description])

The code as provided includes a sample Bottle
application which you can run.  It doesn't do much other than generate a static page that
links to a copy of these notes.   This is your starting point for development and
you should write your code so that main.py  is the main application (when
I run your code, this is what I'll look for).

You can run the functional and
unit tests (level1_functional.py level2_unit.py) to check that
you have met the requirements at each level. To do this,
open the file in PyCharm and click 'Run', choose to run as "Python unit-test". Alternately,
   run them from the command line eg. python level1_functional.py.

Note that if you follow the written requirements set out in the pages linked above, you
should pass the functional tests.  A reasonable way to work would be to read and implement
each functional requirement in turn and then run the functional tests when you are done as
a check.


You will submit this work in two parts: after you have completed Level 2, and after you
           have completed Level 3.  The Level 2 submission is intended to check on your progress
with the assignment so that we can provide you with feedback and identify anyone
who needs support.   See iLearn for the dates of these submissions.

For each submission you should submit a zip file
with the same structure as the starter pack. We will expect to run main.pyto see your application. Include any support files that you need for your application
to work.  A good idea would be to unpack your zip file at a new location and try to
run it yourself.

Grading the Assignment

This assignment is worth 20% of the final marks for COMP249.
     A total of 12 marks will be entirely based on achieving the stated functional
     and unit-test requirements and passing the automated tests.
     The remaining 8 marks will be based on the quality of the code and documentation that you
   provide, and on the appearance of your web application.

Each automated test is worth 0.5 marks; there is a total
       of 24 tests giving 12 marks in total.  The breakdown of
       tests for each level is as follows:


Level Functional Tests Unit Tests Marks
1 4 2
2 3 5 4
3 5 7 6

To pass this assignment you must pass all of the automated tests..
       This may seem like a tough requirement but without passing these tests
       you don't have a working web application.

The remaining 8 marks will decide whether you get a Credit
  or Distinction/High Distinction for the assignment. The criteria are:

  • Appearance  (3 Marks)

  • Your web application is visually well designed and consistently styled.
          For a Credit, you will have applied a clear design to all pages in your
          application.  For a D/HD your design will include some novelty
          or use advanced aspects of HTML/CSS and possibly Javascript.

  • Code Quality (3 marks)

  • Your code is
          readable and well structured. For a Credit, we should not have
          any trouble working out how you implemented a given feature. For a
          D/HD, you will have thought hard about how the application as
          a whole fits together and made good use of modules.

  • Documentation (2 Marks)

  • You have provided appropriate documentation. For a Credit, you
          will have used documentation strings and in-line comments where
          appropriate in your code. For D/HD, you will have provided documentation of
          your application that would be useful to a future developer, your
          documentation will include
          functional tests in the form of user stories for your new features.

Your final grade will be calculated
  based on your performance against the above criteria.


Jobs is a class project for COMP249 at Macquarie University

Jobs uses Twitter Bootstrap


编程类:C++,JAVA ,数据库,WEB,Linux,Nodejs,JSP,Html,Prolog,Python,Haskell,hadoop算法,系统 机器学习



E-mail:850190831@qq.com   微信:BadGeniuscs  工作时间:无休息工作日-早上8点到凌晨3点




