MCD2080 – FAT 2
代写统计考试 Also calculate the average annual income for those with less than 13 years education and those with 13 years or more education.
General Instructions 代写统计考试
- The test is ‘closed book’, and must be completed during your lecture lesson 1 session.
- You have 45 minutes reading and writing time and 15 minutes uploading your answers on Moodle.
- This test is worth 5% of the trimester’s assessment.
- Only approved HP 10bII+ Financial Calculator and Excel are permitted.
- There are 3 questions.
- Write answers in the spaces provided in this booklet or plain paper and upload answers on Moodle link provided.
- Answer all questions. 代写统计考试
- If a question asks you to explain your answer, most (if not all) of the marks will be awarded for the explanation of how the answer was obtained.
- Marks are awarded according to the quality of your answers, not for the amount written.
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Question 1 代写统计考试
A large multinational company want to understand the relationship between the annual income of its employees and the following variables: years of education and years of age of the employee. Use the data in the worksheet Question 1 of FAT 2 Sample data.xlsx to answer the following questions:
a) Calculate the overall average and standard deviation of annual income. Also calculate the average annual income for those with less than 13 years education and those with 13 years or more education. Finally, calculate the average annual income for those aged under 25 years and those with 25 years of age or more.
b) Estimate a multiple linear regression model to analyse the impact of the variables education and age on annual income. Use Excel. 代写统计考试
Use your output to answer the following questions:
Write down the estimated regression equation
c) i) Interpret the regression coefficient for the intercept
ii) Interpret the regression coefficient for age
iii) Interpret the regression coefficient for education
iv) Compare the coefficients of education and age to determine which has more of an impact on annual income
d) Conduct a hypothesis test at the 5% significance level to determine if there is a relationship between education and annual income when age is taken into account
Question 2
A major manufacturer of active wear is analysing their production volume of running jackets over a six year period from 2010. Use the data in the worksheet Question 2 of FAT 2 Sample data.xlsx to answer the following questions:
a) Construct a scatterplot of the production volume over time. Discuss what components are present in the time series.
b) Estimate a model comprising a linear trend and quarterly seasonal dummies. Use Quarter 4 as the reference quarter. Use Excel to estimate.
Use the above Regression output to answer the following questions:
Write down the estimated regression equation 代写统计考试
c) i) Interpret the regression coefficient for the intercept
ii) Interpret the regression coefficient for time
iii) Interpret the regression coefficient for the first quarter
iv) Interpret the regression coefficient for the second quarter
v) Interpret the regression coefficient for the third quarter
d) Discuss the coefficient of determination and standard error of regression values to evaluate the model
e) Use the estimated model to forecast the production volume of running jackets for the second quarter of 2018

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