代写理学硕士论文 Assignment Details Assignment Name: MSc Dissertation Assignment Weight: 100%Word Guide: 12-15,000 words, excluding preliminaries and appendices
Assignment Details
Assignment Name: MSc Dissertation | Assignment Weight: 100% |
Word Guide: 12-15,000 words, excluding preliminaries and appendices (but including the bibliography). | |
Dissertation Due Date: Monday 10 August, 2020* | Assessment & Feedback date: Marks will be available as soon as possible and in time for the Exam Board and December graduation. |
All SBE MSc assignments, including the dissertation, are due before 10 am on the stated date. | |
The assignment should be submitted via blackboard. | |
Penalty for late submission: As per University rules (see Dissertation Handbook). |
*Students re-sitting their dissertation, with ECF’s or other exceptional circumstances will be individually informed of their dissertation due date.
Learning Outcomes 代写理学硕士论文
By the end of the dissertation you should be able to:
- Formulate a research problem, including the identification of a general researchproblem, a specific research question/aim and set of related objectives. You should also be able to locate your problem in a more general context and indicate how and why it is important and to whom.
- Develop specialist knowledge of your chosen topic, including a familiarity with key and core published texts, awareness of relevant policy, professional, scientific and/or academic debates regarding the problem and knowledge of the basic assumptions and principles which inform that literature.
- Develop and implement a research design to explore your research problem, demonstrating an understanding of basic principles of research design and an ability to apply them to a research question/aim and objectives.
- Systematically and critically reflect on your research findings and draw conclusions for different stakeholders, including academics, professionals and policy-makers.
- Organise and communicate a complex research problem in a clear and coherent manner which is accessible to the reader and demonstrate professional academic standards of presentation, referencing and writing.
Assignment Brief 代写理学硕士论文
Select a research topic (problem, question and objectives) and develop a 12,000-15,000 text developing your topic, using academic conventions to evidence and justify your work.
Like all other MSc assignments, all work must be submitted before 10 am on the stated due date.
For more details, see the MSc Dissertation Handbook (available on blackboard under CEM10B, Content).
Please note that while the content of your Critical Review for CEM10A and the Literature Review section for CEM10B require the same basic skills; in the vast majority of the cases the content of the text will be different. This is because as you explore your research problem and engage with different types of sources, your question will develop and – as a result – the focus and content of your literature review will change (to ensure coherence). If by some chance you are one of the very very rare students where it makes sense to incorporate text from CEM10A into your assignment for CEM10B and if this shows up on Turnitin, you will not be penalized.
Module Delivery 代写理学硕士论文
The dissertation module involves independent learning over an extended period (usually 6 months for a full-time student and 12 months for a flexible modular student). Students are supported by regular supervision meetings.
As a MSc student, you can expect 10 hours of focused supervision (including the initial topic discussion meeting), either face-to-face or through remote means, spread evenly across the full duration of CEM10B. Responsibility for arranging these meetings rests with the student.
Progress should be marked by
- an interim assignment (non-assessed) consisting of a draft of your literature review and methods chapter
- a research ethics form (non-assessed)
- a final submission, including your dissertation, supervision record and a signed SCME MSc dissertation deposit form.
For more details, see the MSc Dissertation Handbook (available on blackboard under CEM10B, Content).
Submission and assessment process 代写理学硕士论文
The file name for your dissertation should include your surname, first initial and the module name CEM10B. Dissertation marking is not anonymous, so it’s ok to include your name.
Finished dissertations must be submitted by the deadline indicated above through blackboard. A full submission includes:
- One electronic copy of your dissertation (either a MS Word or PDF file) which must be uploaded to blackboard through the Turnitin website by the deadline.
- A copy of your supervision record also uploaded to blackboard by the deadline.Please note that you can upload your supervision record any time following your last meeting
- A signed SCME MSc dissertation deposit form (Appendix A), also uploaded to blackboard by the deadline
To submit your dissertation on-line, follow the instructions on blackboard under the Assignments tab for the dissertation module.
Penalties for late submission 代写理学硕士论文
Failure to submit your dissertation by the due date will mean that a penalty is applied, unless an extension to the date for submission has been granted or approval is given for remission of the normal penalty. Penalties will be in line with the usual University practice, as outlined in the module description form.
Dissertation assessment Weightings
Weightings for the dissertation assessment criteria are as follows:
Assessment criteria | Weight |
Introduction (& Background) | 15% |
Literature Review | 20% |
Research Design | 10% |
Findings | 20% |
Discussion and Conclusions | 20% |
References | 10% |
Presentation | 5% |