ICT340 Application Analysis and Design
End-of-Course Assessment – January Semester 2022
代写应用分析与设计 INSTRUCTIONS TO STUDENTS: 1. This End-of-Course Assessment paper comprises of FIVE (5) questions and SEVEN (7) pages (including the cover page).
- This End-of-Course Assessment paper comprises of FIVE (5) questions and SEVEN (7) pages (including the cover page).
- You are to include the following particulars in your submission: Course Code, Title of the ECA, SUSS PI No., Your Name, and Submission Date.
- Late submission will be subjected to the marks deduction scheme. Please refer to the Student Handbook for details.
ECA Submission Deadline: Saturday, 30 April 2022, 12 noon
Please Read This Information before You Start Working on your ECA
This ECA carries 70% of the course marks and is a compulsory component. It is to be done individually and not collaboratively with other students.
Submission 代写应用分析与设计
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ECA Marks Deduction Scheme 代写应用分析与设计
Please note the following:
a) Submission Cut-off Time – Unless otherwise advised, the cut-off time for ECA submission will be at 12:00 noon on the day of the deadline. All submission timings will be based on the time recorded by Canvas.
b) Start Time for Deduction – Students are given a grace period of 12hours. Hence calculation of late submissions of ECAs will begin at 00:00 hrs the following day (this applies even if it is a holiday or weekend) after the deadline.
c) How the Scheme Works – From 00:00 hrs the following day after the deadline, 10 marks will be deducted for each 24-hour block. Submissions that are subject to more than 50 marks deduction will be assigned zero mark. For examples on how the scheme works, please refer to Section 5.2 Para 1.7.3 of the Student Handbook.
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Plagiarism and Collusion 代写应用分析与设计
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Answer all questions. (Total 100 marks) 代写应用分析与设计
Read the negotiated statement of requirements (NSR) for the MRT application and answer the questions that follow.
An application is to be developed for planning a journey by travelling using MRT (train) in Singapore. The information of the MRT stations and lines are to be loaded into the application when the application starts.
In Singapore, there are many stations across several MRT lines. A line has many stations. A station is on only one line. A station is a few kilometres away from the next station. Lines may cross one another at an interchange. An interchange can therefore have two or more stations. A commuter’s journey on the train is called a route. A route begins at a boarding station and ends at an alighting station. The date and time of the boarding and alighting of the route are captured to avoid future disputes. The commuter would still be charged a fare when the boarding and alighting stations are the same station. Fares are calculated based on the distance travelled in this route according to Table 1 below. For example, if a commuter has travelled less than 3.3 km, he pays $1.70. If he has travelled 5 km, he pays $1.90.
Distance (in km) | Fare (in cents) |
0 | 170 |
3.3 | 190 |
6.3 | 210 |
9.3 | 230 |
11.3 | 250 |
15.3 | 260 |
19.3 | 270 |
23.3 | 280 |
Table 1: Fares by Distance
A commuter may use the application to display all stations on a line and subsequently choose to display information about a specific station on that line. He/She may also use the application to search for routes to commute from a specific boarding station to a specific alighting station.
The following information is used in the application: 代写应用分析与设计
- Information about each station, including its (unique) station code, its name, the previous and next stations, the distance from the previous station and the distance to the next station.
- Information about the fare, including the ceiling distance (column 1 in Table 1) and the corresponding charge (column 2 in Table 1).
- Information about each line, including its name and the stations on the line.
- Information about each interchange, including its name and the stations that are in the interchange.
The application shall provide the following major functions, among others:
(a) Allow an administrator to add and save a new station on a given line;
(b) Allow an administrator to add new lines;
(c) Allow a commuter to display all stations in a given line;
(d) Allow a commuter to display station information for a given station;
(e) Allow a commuter to search and display the following routes:
(i) a route and its price,
(ii) the shortest route and its price,
(iii) up to 3 possible routes and their respective price and distance, given the boarding and alighting stations.
Question 1 代写应用分析与设计
Formulate a use case diagram to depict the MRT application design.
Your use case diagram should show the following:
(i) the actors (4 marks)
(ii) the use cases and their relationships (14 marks)
(b) The following is an extract of the requirements documentation of the MRT application:
“The MRT fares are calculated based on distance travelled. This is a convenient way to pay for train travel. For example, when a commuter has travelled 10 km, he is charged $2.50. However, when a commuter enters and exits from the same station, he is not charged since the distance is 0 km. The fare for a route that includes 2 or more lines are calculated based on the sum of the fare on each line.”
Analyse the above requirements and identify and explain any TWO (2) ambiguous, incorrect, incomplete or inconsistent inadequacies for system design. Note that in your answers, you are not supposed to use imagination to add anything not mentioned in the requirements. Further, do not include general commentaries in your answer. (2 marks)
Question 2 代写应用分析与设计
Develop a structural model for the MRT application design, by submitting your answers to the following:
(a) Complete the class description by identifying classes, their attributes and any hierarchical relationship(s) that would be required for the application. (10 marks)
(b) Appraise the associations among the classes and hierarchical relationship(s) that would be required for the application. Construct the class association diagram in UML as your answer. Ensure that you do not include any derived or redundant association in your diagram. (14 marks)
Question 3
Further analyses, as well as a few walkthroughs give rise to an updated class diagram, part of which is shown in Figure Q3 below.

State the role names, X and Y, of the association nextTo in Figure Q3. (2 marks)
Write an invariant that specifies a station is next to a station which is not itself. (2 marks)
(c) Consider the following walkthrough:
Objective: To add a station to a line.
Given: a line name, a station code, station name, next station code, previous station code, distance to next station and distance to previous station.
- Locate the instance, aLine, of Line with the given line name, linked to the orchestrating object via hasLines.
- Locate the instance, aNextStation object with the next station code, linked to the Line via consistsOf.
- Locate the instance, aPrevStation object with the previous station code, linked to the Line via consistsOf.
- Create a new station, aStation object with the station code, station name, distance to next station and distance to previous station.
- Create the association between aLine and the new Station object, aStation.
- Create the association between the aStation and aNextStation.
- Create the association between the aStation and aPrevStation.
Identify the objects in the walkthrough by stating its name and its class. (4 marks)
Using the objects identified in Q3(c)(i), develop the dynamic model for the application function, by drawing the sequence diagram for the walkthrough to assign a station to a line. (12 marks)
Implement the method in the orchestrating class that is responsible for assigning the station to the line. (6 marks)
Question 4 代写应用分析与设计
Commuters travelling on the MRT trains can buy a fare card with a minimum stored value of $10. The fare card can be topped up with a minimum of $5 at any time. When a fare card is tapped at a boarding station gate, its status is Active and the distance value in the fare card is set to 0. When a fare card is tapped at an alighting station gate, the MRT application would calculate the distance travelled and deduct the fare from the stored value in the fare card.
The fare card then becomes Inactive. If there is insufficient stored value in the fare card, the station gate would not open and the card continues to be Active. The commuter needs to top up the fare card before he can tap at the alighting station gate. A commuter may choose to return a fare card to the ticketing office of any station and the stored value (if any) in the fare card would be refunded to the commuter.
Construct a component of the MRT application in UML, by drawing the state diagram for a fare card as it passes through the application. (10 marks)
Question 5 代写应用分析与设计
Commuters on the MRT trains can choose to pay for their fares using a stored value fare card, a standard ticket or a concession pass. At an alighting station gate, the respective deduction is effected as follows:
- Stored value fare card – the distance calculated fare is deducted from the stored value in the card. You may assume that there is sufficient stored value in the fare card.
- Standard ticket – each trip is deducted from the ticket. There may be up to 6 trips stored in a ticket. You may assume that there is at least 1 trip stored in the ticket.
Concession pass – no deduction if valid. Unlimited train rides within a period is allowed. A valid period is 30 days between a start date and an end date (inclusive) stored in the concession pass.
Demonstrate the application of the strategy pattern in the MRT application by submitting your answers to the following:
(a) Develop a structural model of the system that uses the strategy pattern by constructing the class association diagram (including attributes and operations) that allows commuters to pay for their train ride. (8 marks)
(b) Implement the classes for the structural model in Q4(a). For stored value fare card, the amount paid is printed; for standard ticket and concession pass, an appropriate message is to be displayed. (12 marks)