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代写安卓留学生中国英文:CMP3034M Mobile Computing

2017-12-15 08:00 星期五 所属: 其他代写 浏览:588

School of Computer Science


Assessment Component Briefing Document


CMP3034M Mobile Computing

Indicative Weighting:

Assessment 1

Assessment Component 1 of 1


   Learning Outcomes:


[LO1] Critically assess the impact of mobile and pervasive computing technologies upon society.


[LO2] Specify and implement mobile applications utilising industry standard tools and technologies.


[LO3] Specify and implement RESTful web service code that consumes industry standard web data formats.


This assessment addresses the Learning Outcomes (LOs) above and is the only assessment for the module.




The objective of this assignment is to design and develop an Android mobile application which demonstrates industry standard mobile design and robust application development, and is developed for one of the following themes:


Internet of Things

Maps and Navigation



Travel and Local








The themes are chosen from a mixture of currently popular mobile application areas and contemporary mobile research topics, for example see proceedings from the Mobile HCI 2017 conference (http://mobilehci.acm.org/2017/program.html) , and are sufficiently broad enough to cover a wide range of mobile applications. You will need to clearly state how your mobile application addresses one of these themes in your written report.


This assessment will require you to produce the following 2 components of work, please note the weighting of each:


i) Android mobile application project (75% of assessment marks)

ii) Written report (25% of assessment marks)


The two required components are now outlined.


Android Studio Mobile Application Project


In technical terms, you must develop a ‘connected’ Android application targeting at least Android 6.0 (API level 23) application using only the development tools covered in the module, namely Android Studio 2.3.3. No other mobile software projects created by other IDEs/tools will be accepted for your submission, and any Android application developed using any Android SDK below Android 6.0 will be given a mark of zero.


Your mobile application must make appropriate use of both of the following technical areas:-


Mobile sensors such as camera or location, or other mobile sensors of your choosing, you must also use a local storage method – app must be able to run in the emulator or a real device;


Suitable REST API(s) selected by you, with parsing and displaying of returned data- selected API must be able to function in the emulator or a real device;


You must implement your application from the ground up but you are free to re-use code supplied in the workshops or any other public domain source so long as you acknowledge this where appropriate. However, in order to achieve higher marks you should attempt to enhance and improve the code presented in the workshops. In the short space of time you have available, unless your application is very simple, you will not be able to produce a fully-functional commercial grade application with original artwork or other artefacts. Therefore, you must concentrate on delivering only a working application featuring suitable user interactivity and programming functionality, as well as robust communication with a REST API(s) of your choice. Remember, simply reusing workshop code without any of your own work does not constitute a reasonable attempt at the assessment, nor does it meet the pass criteria.



You must not attempt to develop your own REST API service – instead use a currently available, fully hosted and documented third party REST API service. No marks are available for coding your own REST API in this assessment. Your app functionality and REST API implementation must support the relevant user experiences for your chosen app theme. For example, if you are implementing an app based on taking photos you may want explore REST APIs such as Flickr, Instagram, or Pinterest.



To aim for higher marks in the development of the application, you are expected to implement advanced coding techniques that are not provided in the lectures and workshops – it is your responsibility to learn such techniques independently as a 3rd / 4th year student. Solutions for your assessment programming work will not be provided by the delivery team, general guidance and support will be offered.



You should carry out all your development work using the emulator that ships with Android Studio, or a suitable Android 6.0 physical device to deploy your app to, you must also ensure that everything works as expected in the emulator or device. A number of physical devices will be available during the workshop sessions for testing your work, please note that these are not available to take outside of the workshop session hours as they are used across multiple modules.


Written Report


You must supply a short written report containing three succinct sections, providing a discussion of your application on the following: i) background, ii) implementation, and iii) Resources and References.


i) Your background section should briefly state your application’s scope, which theme you selected, and your


motivation as to why you did it with reference to other relevant third party applications and academic literature. You must briefly justify (short paragraph) how your application has the potential to have a positive impact on society or the individual. (~1-2 pages)


ii) The implementation section should discuss your core development choices and describe any particular difficulties you encountered in your programming. You should highlight any advanced features implemented in your application including use of sensors, storage methods, use of third party libraries etc. and the basics of your networking communications and error handling. Code reused from the workshops and external resources must be listed in the Resources and References section. (~2 pages)


iii) The Resources and References section should firstly contain a simple summarised list of any coding resources you have used (e.g. code adapted from the workshops, text books, websites or lecture materials) when building your application. Secondly, it should contain a fully referenced list (Harvard style) for all academic and other relevant sources you have cited. (~1 page)




Your report should be 5 pages maximum; as a final year student you are expected to communicate concepts and discussion points succinctly. There is no requirement to insert appendices into your report, if you do they will be counted as part of the 5-page limit. A presentation penalty of 5% will be strictly applied if you go over the 5-page limit and/or do not follow the required report format below:


1 inch margins all round

11 point font

Normal line spacing


   If the page limit is exceeded, any additional pages over the limit will not be marked. Please do not use a contents page as it will count as one of the 5 pages.


Marking of Submissions


This assessment is an individually assessed component – all submitted assessment material is passed through the university TurnItIn plagiarism detection tools. Your work must be presented according to the School of Computer Science guidelines, and where identified in this assessment briefing document meet any further requirements. Please make sure you have a clear understanding of the grading principles for this component as detailed in the associated Criterion Reference Grid.


Your Android application will only be marked if the video component outlined in the submission instructions below is submitted to Blackboard, a mark of zero will be applied to all relevant coding criteria in the CRG if no video demonstration file is submitted with your submission.


If you are unsure about any aspect of this assessment component, please seek the advice of the module co-ordinator (Derek Foster defoster@lincoln.ac.uk)



Submission Instructions


The deadline for submission of this work is included in the School Submission dates on Blackboard. You must make an electronic submission of your work that includes the following items which are comprised of the two submission components (Android app and written report) as outlined previously, as well as supporting video file:


a ZIP file containing two items: i) your complete Android Studio Mobile Application project folder for Android 6.0 (API level 23) or above, and ii) a 60 second (max) video file demonstrating your application running in either the emulator or physical device to showcase the features you developed, submitted to the supporting documentation area for the assessment


a PDF of your written report (no more than 5 pages in length) for submitting to the Turnitin upload area for the assessment


DO NOT include this briefing document with your submission.




