ECON 0028: The Economics of Growth
Term 2 (Spring 2022)
代写增长经济学 Consider a country describd by the one-country model in Section 8.1.Supposethat the country temporarily raises its level of γA.
ASSIGNMENT 4 代写增长经济学
1.Consider a country describd by the one-country model in Section 8.1.Supposethat the country temporarily raises its level of γA. Draw graphs showing how the time paths of output per worker (y) and productivity (A) will compare under this scenario with what would have happened if there had been no change in γA.
2.Consider the two-country model of Section 8.2. Suppose that the cost-of- copying functionis:
where 0 < β < 1. Assume that the two countries have labour forces of equal size. 代写增长经济学
(a)Using this function, solve for the steady-state ratio of technology in the leading country to technology in the follower country (that is, A$/A%)as a function of the values of γA! in the two countrie Show how this depends on the value of β, and explain what is going on.
(b) Assume that β = 1/2,μi = 10, γA,1 = 0.2, and γA,2= 0.1.
Calculate the steady-state ratio of technology in Country 1 to technology in Country 2.
3.There are two countries X and Productivity in Country X is twice as high as productivity in Country Z. 代写增长经济学
Technology in Country X is four times as high as technology in Country Z. How does efficiency in the two countries compare?
4.Consider a country in which there are two sectors, called Sector 1 and Sector 2. The production functions in the two sectorsare:
Where L$ is the number of workers employed in Sector 1 and L% is the number of workers employed in Sector 2. The total number of workers in the economy is L. The only difference between the sectors is that in Sector 1 workers are paid their marginal products, while in Sector 2 they are paid their average products. Workers move freely between sectors so that the wages are equal. Calculate how many workers will work in each sector.