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代做经济课业 Econ 105B代写

2023-02-07 11:29 星期二 所属: 经济作业 浏览:571

Econ 105B

Handout/Homework 3

代做经济课业 1.Consider the following data. W, X and Y measure deviations from trend of threedifferent economic variables. (a) Fill in the graphs using the data

1.   代做经济课业

Consider the following data. W, X and Y measure deviations from trend of threedifferent economic variables.

(a) Fill in the graphs using the data from the following table:




(b) Is W persistent? Calculate the correlation coefficient of W with itself one period ahead.

(c) Suppose that W measures GDP, say whether each of the variables X and Y is procyclical or countercyclical by calculating the corresponding correlation coefficients.


2.   代做经济课业

Two variables, X and Y are both procyclical. Variable X has a correlation coefficient of 0.9 with GDP and variable Y has a correlation coefficient of 0.2. Which of the following graphs represents variable X and which is variable Y? Explain your reasoning.



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