Pure® Drinking Water with Dates Flavor
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产品营销分析论文代写 The launch of Pure® Drinking Water with dates flavor is expected to present a number of challenges.The process of entering the market
Table of Contents 产品营销分析论文代写
Business Description ………………………………………………………………………4
1.1 Unique Selling Point …………………………………………………………………..4
1.2 Mission and Vision …………………………………………………………………….4
1.3 Business Location ………………………………………………………………………4
1.4 Business Ownership …………………………………………………………………..4
1.5 Offerings ……………………………………………………………………………………5
1.6 Previous Results …………………………………………………………………………5
1.7 Business Relationships ………………………………………………………………..5
Environmental Analysis ……………………………………………………………………5
2.1 Macro-Environment ……………………………………………………………………5
2.1.1 Politico-legal factors ………………………………………………………………….5
2.1.2 Economic factors ……………………………………………………………………..6
2.1.3 Social-cultural factors ……………………………………………………………….6
2.1.4 Technological factors ………………………………………………………………..6
2.1.5. Ecological factors …………………………………………………………………….6
2.2. Competitor Analysis …………………………………………………………………..6
2.2.1 Current and emerging potential competitors and threats ……………..6
2.2.2 Competitive strategies and advantages ……………………………………….7
2.3 Market Research Plan ………………………………………………………………….7
2.4 Original Market Research Findings and Sales Forecast …………………..7
2.4.1 Expected revenues and profits ……………………………………………………8
2.4.2 Projected budgets ……………………………………………………………………10
Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning …………………………………………..10
Marketing Plan ………………………………………………………………………………..11
4.1 Product Positioning ……………………………………………………………………..11
4.2 Pricing Strategy …………………………………………………………………………..11
4.3 Place/Distribution Strategy ………………………………………………………….11
4.4 Promotion Strategy ……………………………………………………………………..11
Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………………………….11
References ……………………………………………………………………………………….13
Pure® Drinking Water with Dates Flavor
1. Business Description
The bottled water industry is a highly competitive industry. There are various multinational companies that have developed strategies of extracting, purifying and branding to craft a significant market share. Notably, some of the successful multinationals operating in the bottled water industry besides other products include Pepsi, Coca-Cola and Nestle among others. Bottled water companies have crafted marketing strategies to ensure sufficient time and place utilities, hence availing their branded water in almost all grocery stores, gas stations or restaurants in the world. Pure® Drinking Water is a new product flavored with dates. The product idea is based on the assumption that dates are considered religious. Moreover, fruit flavored water is the next market frontier of the bottled drinking water industry. 产品营销分析论文代写
Although the drinking water industry is saturated, development of unique selling points will facilitate development of market share. Ideally, flavored water brand is the only segment that has not been exploited among all product differentiation factors in drinking water industry (Royte, 2009). This paper seeks to establish the viability of a new product Pure® Drinking Water and evaluate the merits and challenges of entering the industry. Further, the paper will outline the branding approach to Pure® Drinking Water branded with dates, assess internal and external factors of the environment as well as market segmentation. It will also define the objectives of the new product launch into the market, as well as the targeting and positioning decisions.
Pure® 枣味饮用水 产品营销分析论文代写
1. 业务描述
瓶装水行业是一个竞争激烈的行业。有各种跨国公司制定了提取、净化和品牌战略,以占据重要的市场份额。值得注意的是,除其他产品外,一些在瓶装水行业经营的成功跨国公司还包括百事可乐、可口可乐和雀巢等。瓶装水公司制定了营销策略,以确保有足够的时间和地点公用事业,因此在世界上几乎所有的杂货店、加油站或餐馆都使用他们的品牌水。 Pure® 饮用水是一种用枣调味的新产品。产品理念基于日期被视为宗教的假设。此外,果味水是瓶装饮用水行业的下一个市场前沿。
虽然饮用水行业已经饱和,但发展独特的卖点将促进市场份额的发展。理想情况下,调味水品牌是饮用水行业所有产品差异化因素中唯一未被开发的细分市场(Royte,2009)。本文旨在确定新产品 Pure® 饮用水的可行性,并评估进入该行业的优势和挑战。此外,本文将概述标有日期的 Pure® 饮用水的品牌化方法,评估环境的内部和外部因素以及市场细分。它还将定义新产品投放市场的目标,以及定位和定位决策。
1.1 Unique Selling Point
Pure® Drinking Water – quenching thirst and giving you sufficient vitamins for your health.
1.2 Mission and Vision
The mission of the company is to deliver treasures of excellence in quenching the customers’ thirst. This will be done through a healthy pure drinking water that is flavored with dates taste. The vision of the company is to become the most preferred drinking water provider in the global market.产品营销分析论文代写
1.3 Business Location
The company plans to set base in New York. This is because New York is located in the strategically good place in the US and its infrastructure will facilitate efficient distribution of the products. New York offers a better target market of the youth especially for the launch of the brand.
1.4 Business Ownership
The Pure® Drinking Water plans to operate as a limited company due to various benefits attributed to it. The company hopes to benefit from good will associated with a limited company operation. Additionally, Pure® Drinking Water plans to enter the global market in future, which is best ensured when operating as a limited company. Moreover, it is expected that huge financial outlay will be needed during the launch and growth. A limited company is capable of securing significant financial borrowing capacity compared to sole proprietorship or partnership.产品营销分析论文代写
1.1 独特卖点
Pure® 饮用水——解渴并为您的健康提供充足的维生素。
1.2 使命与愿景
1.3 营业地点
1.4 企业所有权
Pure® Drinking Water 计划作为一家有限公司运营,因为它带来了各种好处。该公司希望受益于与有限公司运营相关的善意。此外,Pure® Drinking Water 计划在未来进入全球市场,作为有限公司运营是最好的保证。此外,预计在启动和增长期间将需要大量的财务支出。与独资企业或合伙企业相比,有限公司能够获得大量的金融借款能力。
1.5 Offerings
The company is offering a new and fresh perspective to bottled water products. Everyone wants healthy and nutritious alternatives of their water, and it is the objective of every company to deliver such. Pure® Drinking Water with dates flavor seeks to fill the product gap by providing water from a natural source with state-of-the-art purification mechanisms. The outstanding product feature is not the usual bottled water but one that is flavored, hence offered as both a health drink and as a beverage. The target market is the young people who like to have fun while leading a healthy lifestyle. Additionally, Pure® Drinking Water expects to earn increased customer loyalty derived from closer interactions with customers and enhanced place and time utilities for the water. 产品营销分析论文代写
1.5 产品
该公司正在为瓶装水产品提供全新的视角。 每个人都想要健康和营养的水替代品,而每家公司的目标都是提供这种替代品。 Pure® 枣味饮用水旨在通过提供具有最先进净化机制的天然水源来填补产品空白。 突出的产品特点不是通常的瓶装水,而是一种有味道的水,因此既可以作为健康饮料也可以作为饮料提供。 目标市场是喜欢享受乐趣同时过上健康生活方式的年轻人。 此外,Pure® Drinking Water 希望通过与客户更密切的互动以及增强水的地点和时间效用来赢得更高的客户忠诚度。
1.6 Previous Results
The total sales of bottled water in the United States in 2012 came to 9.64 billion gallons, up from 9.1 billion gallons in 2011 up from 6.4 billion gallons in 2004 (Miller & Washington, 2013). The 2012 growth was the highest in five years. The International Bottled Water Association in collaboration with a research company called Beverage Marketing Corporation have defined the overall consumption in 2012 to have increased by 6.2 per cent and sales by 6.7 per cent (LaMoreaux & Tanner, 2001).
1.6 以前的结果
2012 年美国瓶装水总销量为 96.4 亿加仑,高于 2011 年的 91 亿加仑,而 2004 年为 64 亿加仑(米勒和华盛顿,2013 年)。 2012年的增长是五年来最高的。 国际瓶装水协会与一家名为 Beverage Marketing Corporation 的研究公司合作,确定 2012 年的总体消费量增长了 6.2%,销售额增长了 6.7%(LaMoreaux & Tanner,2001 年)。
1.7 Business Relationships
Pure® Drinking Water expects to pierce this saturated industry through crafting lasting business relationships. Although the big players have an edge, this flavored brand is expected to give customers an experience of water and beverage in one. The company is entering the market as a new player in an industry, where people tend to stick with the companies and brands they have known for a long time. Collaborating with a bigger, more established company may help boost sales and profits.
1.7 业务关系
Pure® Drinking Water 希望通过建立持久的业务关系来打入这个饱和的行业。 虽然大玩家有优势,但这个调味品牌有望为客户提供水和饮料的体验。 该公司正在作为一个行业的新参与者进入市场,在这个行业中,人们往往会坚持使用他们已经知道很长时间的公司和品牌。 与更大、更成熟的公司合作可能有助于提高销售额和利润。
2. Environmental Analysis
2.1 Macro-Environment
The success of Pure® Drinking Water entry into the market and its sustainable operation would depend on analyzing and exploiting the macro-environment factors.产品营销分析论文代写
2.1.1 Politico-legal factors
Consumers take bottled water for a variety of reasons, especially for health ones. There is a general distrust in tap water because of the state of the piping systems and the source of water. There are many legal and political loopholes that service providers have continually exploited when tap water is faulty. However, customers appreciate the consistent standards that bottled water companies comply with in order to operate in the industry. There are many company and government policies, which bottling companies must satisfy before the bottles reach the consumer.
2. 环境分析 产品营销分析论文代写
2.1 宏观环境
Pure® 饮用水能否成功进入市场并持续运营,取决于对宏观环境因素的分析和利用。
2.1.1 政治法律因素
消费者出于各种原因饮用瓶装水,尤其是出于健康原因。 由于管道系统的状态和水源,人们普遍不信任自来水。 当自来水出现故障时,服务提供商会不断利用许多法律和政治漏洞。 然而,客户欣赏瓶装水公司为了在该行业运营而遵守的一致标准。 有许多公司和政府政策,装瓶公司必须在瓶子到达消费者手中之前满足这些政策。
2.1.2 Economic factors
The economic situation in the US is favorable for launching the bottled water. The total number of bottles sold annually is 30 billion (Statistics Brain, 2014). Despite the existing unemployment rate, the disposable income for most households will facilitate consideration of bottled water as part of household consumable supplies. The firm plans to benefit from the prevailing economic situation to gain significant market share from the industry. It also intends to introduce celebrity endorsements reinforcing the idea that bottled water is safer and healthier than ordinary tap water. The industry is very diverse and characterized by a great number of operating companies, which has one beneficial effect: the fact that companies cut their prices in order to remain competitive. Affordable prices, in their turn, result in high sales.产品营销分析论文代写
2.1.2 经济因素
美国的经济形势有利于推出瓶装水。 每年销售的瓶子总数为 300 亿(Statistics Brain,2014 年)。 尽管存在失业率,但大多数家庭的可支配收入将有助于考虑将瓶装水作为家庭消耗品的一部分。 该公司计划从当前的经济形势中受益,从该行业获得可观的市场份额。 它还打算引入名人代言,强化瓶装水比普通自来水更安全、更健康的理念。 该行业非常多样化,其特点是运营公司数量众多,这有一个好处:公司降低价格以保持竞争力。 反过来,负担得起的价格会导致高销售额。
2.1.3 Social-cultural factors
The firm understands the cultural perception that tap water is unsafe. Advertisements that bombard people in the local media have created a sometimes inaccurate image of both bottled and tap water. Production of dates flavored water is expected to gain popularity given that dates are considered healthy fruits. Advertisements about bottled water and the branding create an image of a must-have product for any healthy individual. They depict tap water as unsafe and take advantage of reports of contamination in various areas of the country.产品营销分析论文代写
2.1.3 社会文化因素
该公司了解自来水不安全的文化观念。 当地媒体上轰轰烈烈的广告造成了瓶装水和自来水有时都不准确的形象。 鉴于椰枣被认为是健康的水果,预计椰枣调味水的生产会越来越受欢迎。 关于瓶装水和品牌的广告为任何健康的人创造了一种必备产品的形象。 他们将自来水描述为不安全,并利用该国不同地区的污染报告。
2.1.4 Technological factors
The existing technological advancements in the US are expected to ensure that the firm benefits from modern water purification and bottling technologies. Many people prefer bottled water because of its taste. The different taste of bottled water has a lot to do with treatment. Tap water treatment normally involves the use of chlorine and chloramine. These are less expensive methods, and they continue to kill disease causing germs as the water travels through the pipeline. They are effective but give tap water an unpleasant taste. Companies treat water using methods like ozonation, the use of ultraviolet light or chlorine oxide. These purify the water while maintaining as much of the mineral rich taste as possible.产品营销分析论文代写
2.1.4 技术因素
美国现有的技术进步有望确保该公司受益于现代水净化和装瓶技术。 许多人喜欢瓶装水是因为它的味道。 瓶装水的不同味道与处理有很大关系。 自来水处理通常涉及使用氯和氯胺。 这些是较便宜的方法,并且随着水流过管道,它们会继续杀死引起疾病的细菌。 它们是有效的,但会给自来水带来令人不快的味道。 公司使用臭氧、紫外线或氧化氯等方法处理水。 这些可以净化水,同时尽可能保持富含矿物质的味道。
2.1.5. Ecological factors
As far as ecological factors are concerned, one may talk about the fact that natural water resources are increasingly difficult to find. The few that are available are not as adequately protected by the communities involved as they should. This means that bottled water companies provide a unique service to customers with their mineral rich water from natural sources.产品营销分析论文代写
2.1.5. 生态因素
就生态因素而言,可以说是天然水资源越来越难找。 可用的少数人没有得到相关社区应有的充分保护。 这意味着瓶装水公司为客户提供来自天然来源的富含矿物质的水的独特服务。
2.2. Competitor Analysis
2.2.1 Current and emerging potential competitors and threats
The biggest threat this product faces is competing products and companies. Coca-Cola and Pepsi are the competitors that the firm expects huge competition from. This is because the two companies have marketing communication strength and a huge distribution infrastructure. Nestle is considered as the biggest global competitor of water (Bottled Water Industry Profile, 2013). The industry is saturated with various companies that produce different brands of bottled water. The entry into this market is expected to incur a significant challenge from competing bottled water brands (Euromonitor, 2014).产品营销分析论文代写
The other threats include environmental conservationists advising against bottled water, which threatens environment because of non-biodegradable bottles. An example is the Water Project initiative, which claims that bottled water is wasteful. They argue that the bottles used in bottled water take years to biodegrade and that over 3 liters of water is used to make just a single liter of bottled water. Drives like these are likely to hurt the bottled water industry in general. The fact that many people tend to opt for the known brands when it comes to products related to health care is also a challenge to this brand (Freeze, 2000). It will take some time before people get used to and begin opting for this product over the established company brands.
2.2.1 当前和新兴的潜在竞争者和威胁
该产品面临的最大威胁是竞争产品和公司。可口可乐和百事可乐是该公司预计会与之展开激烈竞争的竞争对手。这是因为两家公司拥有营销传播实力和庞大的分销基础设施。雀巢被认为是全球最大的水竞争对手(瓶装水行业概况,2013 年)。该行业充斥着各种生产不同品牌瓶装水的公司。进入这个市场预计将面临来自竞争瓶装水品牌的重大挑战(Euromonitor,2014)。
其他威胁包括环境保护主义者建议不要使用瓶装水,因为瓶装水是不可生物降解的,这威胁到环境。一个例子是水项目倡议,它声称瓶装水是浪费的。他们争辩说,用于瓶装水的瓶子需要数年时间才能生物降解,而仅生产一升瓶装水就需要使用超过 3 升的水。像这样的驱动器可能会损害整个瓶装水行业。许多人在涉及保健相关产品时倾向于选择知名品牌,这一事实对这个品牌也是一个挑战(Freeze,2000)。人们需要一段时间才能习惯并开始选择该产品而不是已建立的公司品牌。
2.2.2 Competitive strategies and advantages
The resources at the company’s disposal are a reputable source and a state-of-the-art purification system. The water will be bottled at source from a spring using modern purification and storage techniques to preserve both the taste and mineral content. Everyone requires safe drinking water with mineral nutrients, and this new product must have that aspect. The flavor provides an added twist, making the water sweeter and more appealing. There are many brands of flavored water, but the dates flavor is the one that not many companies have explored. This will fulfill the secret needs of the customers. Moreover, the huge market, potential for growth and consumption rate will provide an opportunity for the manufacturers to meet the customers’ requirements.产品营销分析论文代写
2.2.2 竞争策略及优势
公司可支配的资源是信誉良好的来源和最先进的净化系统。 水将使用现代净化和储存技术从泉水源头装瓶,以保持味道和矿物质含量。 每个人都需要含有矿物质营养素的安全饮用水,而这款新产品必须具备这一点。 味道提供了额外的扭曲,使水更甜,更有吸引力。 调味水的品牌很多,但枣味是鲜有公司探索的一种。 这将满足客户的秘密需求。 此外,巨大的市场、增长潜力和消费速度将为制造商提供满足客户需求的机会。
2.3 Market Research Plan
Market research is necessary when launching a new product. This is to allow an organization to assess the feasibility of a product before entering production. Companies that ignore market research incur huge losses based on incompatibility of a product to the existing customer needs. The market research will involve a sample population of 1000 Americans randomly chosen in 5 states. The rationale is consideration of the costs of research as well as the firm plans to launch in these five states. A pro-rata sampling method is the best to ensure that the size of a state gives a fair number of participants to the sample population. The US bottled water industry constitutes various packaging systems of water (Vosburgh, 2013). Therefore, some states will provide 150 participants, while others will contribute more than 200.产品营销分析论文代写
The most preferred mode of data collection is open-ended questionnaires and telephone interviews. The research will take three months. The first month is planning and training interviewers. The second month will involve data collection. The third month will involve data analysis and presentation.
2.3 市场研究计划
推出新产品时需要进行市场调查。这是为了允许组织在进入生产之前评估产品的可行性。忽视市场调查的公司会因产品与现有客户需求不兼容而蒙受巨大损失。市场研究将涉及在 5 个州随机选择的 1000 名美国人的样本人群。理由是考虑研究成本以及公司计划在这五个州推出。按比例抽样方法是确保州规模为样本人口提供公平数量的参与者的最佳方法。美国瓶装水行业构成了各种水包装系统(Vosburgh,2013 年)。因此,一些州将提供 150 名参与者,而其他州将提供 200 多名参与者。
2.4 Original Market Research Findings and Sales Forecast
Presently, more than $9 billion is spent annually on purchasing of water. The implication is that there is a huge potential for bottled water. The research found 80% of the participants would consider drinking water flavored with dates (Eshleman, 2007). Moreover, the safety of drinking water is the concern of 90% of the participants. Furthermore, 75% of the participants concurred that most brands lack effective distribution in the market. Moreover, 65% prefer packaging of water in 5 liter, 2 liter and 1 liter bottles, while 20% prefer the smallest package being a 5 liter bottle. The research revealed that 35% of the participants have not heard about any bottled water flavored with fruits and would be ready to consider trying in case such brand is available in the market (LaMoreaux & Tanner, 2001). Generally, the research revealed that effective marketing campaign is necessary for a firm to dominate the market. 产品营销分析论文代写
2.4 原始市场研究结果和销售预测
目前,每年购买水的费用超过 90 亿美元。 这意味着瓶装水有巨大的潜力。 研究发现 80% 的参与者会考虑饮用加枣调味的水 (Eshleman, 2007)。 此外,饮用水安全是90%的参与者关注的问题。 此外,75% 的参与者同意大多数品牌在市场上缺乏有效的分销。 此外,65% 的人更喜欢用 5 升、2 升和 1 升的瓶子包装水,而 20% 的人喜欢最小的包装是 5 升的瓶子。 研究表明,35% 的参与者没有听说过任何用水果调味的瓶装水,如果市场上有此类品牌,他们会准备考虑尝试(LaMoreaux & Tanner,2001)。 总的来说,研究表明,有效的营销活动对于公司主导市场是必要的。
2.4.1 Expected revenues and profits
Fig.1: Three-Year Financial Projections
1st Year
$ |
2nd Year
$ |
3rd Year
$ |
Revenues | 500,000 | 750,000 | 1000,000 |
Cost of goods produced | 100,000 | 150,000 | 200,000 |
Gross profit | 400,000 | 600,000 | 800,000 |
Administrative, marketing and other expenses | 50,000 | 75,000 | 100,000 |
Net income | 350,000 | 525,000 | 700,000 |
The revenues are expected to commence at $500,000 compared to the growth to $750,000 and $1000,000 in Year 2 and Year 3 respectively. The growth is assumed to be occasioned by development of better distribution chains. The costs of goods are expected to increase based on the rising production. Administration expenses are also anticipated to grow due to the marketing campaigns and enhanced infrastructure for marketing. 产品营销分析论文代写
2.4.1 预期收入和利润
图 1:三年财务预测
预计开始时收入为 500,000 美元,而第 2 年和第 3 年分别增长至 750,000 美元和 1000,000 美元。 增长被认为是由更好的分销链的发展引起的。 由于产量增加,预计商品成本将增加。 由于营销活动和营销基础设施的增强,预计管理费用也会增加。
2.4.2 Projected budgets
Fig.2: Projected Budget
产品营销分析论文代写 | 1st year
$ |
2nd Year
$ |
3rd year
$ |
Land | 50,000 | 0 | 0 |
Plant construction | 100,000 | 0 | 0 |
Distribution vehicles | 100,000 | 50,000 | 0 |
Salary Expenses | 100,000 | 120,000 | 150,000 |
Working capital | 100,000 | 150,000 | 200,000 |
Other miscellaneous costs | 100,000 | 100,000 | 100,000 |
Land and plant construction are one-off costs that are expected to grow in the first year only. Distribution vehicle costs will be higher (estimated at $100,000 in Year 1 and then Year 2 at $50,000). Salary expenses will grow based on increased number of employees ( $100,000 in Year 1, $120,000 in Year 2 and $150,000 in Year 3). The working capital will also increase based on the short-term liabilities and short-term assets.
2.4.2 预计预算
图 2:预计预算
土地和工厂建设是一次性成本,预计只会在第一年增长。 配送车辆成本会更高(估计第一年为 100,000 美元,然后第二年为 50,000 美元)。 工资支出将随着员工人数的增加而增长(第 1 年为 100,000 美元,第 2 年为 120,000 美元,第 3 年为 150,000 美元)。 营运资金也将根据短期负债和短期资产增加。
3. Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning
Pure® Drinking Water recognizes that profitability is only possible through efficient segmentation, effective target marketing and versatile brand positioning. The firm plans to segment market by packaging water into 20 liters, 10 liters, 5 liters, 2 liter, 1 liter and 500 ml bottles respectively. The objective is to reach both corporate market with the bigger packaging and the retail customers with the smaller packaging. Most malls in US have adopted single serving pack of water (Vosburgh, 2013).
On the other hand, the firm’s target market is the youth and corporate market. Notably, young people are interested in bottled water that is also an energy drink. Therefore, the bottled water will be sold in sports facilities, social functions and churches. The retail market sells water in small-sized bottles in convenience stores, clubs and restaurants. Date flavored water can take advantage of those customers that do not have a preference in such situations and win them over (Eshleman, 2007).产品营销分析论文代写
Pure® Drinking Water plans to position itself as the fruit flavored water of choice available everywhere. Additionally, fair pricing is expected to ensure that customers identify with the water. The firm plans to develop greater business relationships with target customers through home deliveries. The youths as target market enjoy spontaneity and fun while preserving their health. The marketing strategy should be to sell a product that provides a feel-good factor while still having the benefits of plain bottled water. The objective should be to paint a picture of a trendy choice.
3. 细分、定位和定位 产品营销分析论文代写
Pure® Drinking Water 认识到只有通过有效的细分、有效的目标营销和多样化的品牌定位才能实现盈利。该公司计划通过将水分别包装为 20 升、10 升、5 升、2 升、1 升和 500 毫升瓶来细分市场。目标是通过更大的包装进入企业市场,并以更小的包装进入零售客户。美国的大多数购物中心都采用了单包水(Vosburgh,2013)。
Pure® Drinking Water 计划将自己定位为随处可用的首选果味水。此外,预计公平定价将确保客户认同水。该公司计划通过送货上门与目标客户建立更紧密的业务关系。青少年作为目标市场,在保持健康的同时享受自发性和乐趣。营销策略应该是销售一种产品,既能提供良好的感觉,同时仍具有普通瓶装水的好处。目标应该是描绘时尚选择的图景。
4. Marketing Plan
Pure® Drinking Water understands that the bottled water industry is very competitive. Therefore, the firm plans to develop an extensive marketing communication plan that ensures that the varied target markets get intended messages in the most cost effective manner. The firm understands that consumers are particular about their product need. Notably, the firm plans to employ various strategies to earn maximum returns. The two main target markets is the retail market and the corporate market.
4. 营销计划 产品营销分析论文代写
Pure® Drinking Water 深知瓶装水行业的竞争非常激烈。 因此,该公司计划制定一个广泛的营销传播计划,以确保不同的目标市场以最具成本效益的方式获得预期的信息。 该公司了解消费者对他们的产品需求特别关注。 值得注意的是,该公司计划采用各种策略来获得最大回报。 两个主要目标市场是零售市场和企业市场。
4.1 Product Positioning
The product aims to craft a premium quality product that is perceived as prestigious. The slightly higher market penetration price is expected to develop a market perception of the product. It is assumed that consumers are interested in a product that develops unique market hype. Research indicates that consumers are interested in portability of bottled water (Johnson, 2014). Quality and value for money is the product facets anticipated to develop a recommendable product positioning of Pure® Drinking Water.
4.1 产品定位
该产品旨在打造一种享有盛誉的优质产品。 预计略高的市场渗透价格会形成对该产品的市场认知。 假设消费者对开发独特市场炒作的产品感兴趣。 研究表明,消费者对瓶装水的便携性很感兴趣(Johnson,2014)。 质量和物有所值是预期开发 Pure® 饮用水的推荐产品定位的产品方面。
4.2 Pricing Strategy
The price that a product is sold at in the market represents a very important aspect that contributes to the successful brand launch or failure. Pure® Drinking Water plans to craft a market entry price that is slightly higher than the other players in the industry. The objective is to create a superior quality impression. The quality pricing strategy is crafted through the understanding that when a positive perception is developed among the customers, the product will continually develop a market niche that is not fluid. The objective is to ensure that the product is received with hype in the market. The firm plans to maintain the prices after gaining significant market share, which will allow it to operate profitably and continually grow the market share.产品营销分析论文代写
4.2 定价策略
产品在市场上的销售价格是决定品牌成功或失败的一个非常重要的方面。 Pure® 饮用水计划制定略高于行业其他参与者的市场准入价格。 目标是创造卓越品质的印象。 质量定价策略的制定是基于这样的理解,即当客户产生积极的看法时,产品将不断发展一个不稳定的市场利基。 目的是确保产品在市场上大肆宣传。 该公司计划在获得可观的市场份额后维持价格不变,这将使其能够盈利并不断扩大市场份额。
4.3 Place/Distribution Strategy
Pure® Drinking Water plans to enter the market to ensure that customers get the product at their convenient place. In this case, the firm plans to recruit regional distributors demarcated into 20km2. The objective is to ensure that effective distribution of the product is attained. Hence, the firm needs to make sure that all retailers reserve space for its products. Ideally, Pure® Drinking Water will concentrate on supplying the water to all supermarkets and departmental stores and retail shops. 产品营销分析论文代写
4.3 布局/分销策略
Pure® 饮用水计划进入市场以确保客户在方便的地方获得产品。 在这种情况下,该公司计划招募划定为 20 平方公里的区域分销商。 目标是确保实现产品的有效分销。 因此,公司需要确保所有零售商为其产品预留空间。 理想情况下,Pure® Drinking Water 将专注于为所有超市、百货公司和零售店供水。
4.4 Promotion Strategy
The marketing communication tool intended for use is social media and personal selling. The corporate customer segment is to be reached through personal selling. Social media, in its turn, is the platform expected to engage the youths. A considerable percentage of young people have accounts in different social media, which makes the latter a good means for promotion. Moreover, after the introduction of the product, sales promotions are to be conducted at various geographical areas to ensure that awareness is created fully.产品营销分析论文代写
4.4 推广策略
旨在使用的营销传播工具是社交媒体和个人销售。 企业客户群将通过个人销售接触。 反过来,社交媒体是吸引年轻人的平台。 相当比例的年轻人在不同的社交媒体上都有账号,这使得后者成为一种很好的宣传手段。 此外,产品推出后,将在不同的地理区域进行促销活动,以确保充分建立知名度。
5. Conclusion
The launch of Pure® Drinking Water with dates flavor is expected to present a number of challenges. The process of entering the market, developing customers requires sufficient marketing communication planning. However, there is a huge potential in launching the bottled water flavored with dates. This is because it is the next frontier of bottled water. Proper marketing, launch and positioning are necessary in enhancing profitability for this product. As mentioned, the target market is youth and corporate. The most appropriate promotional strategy for the youth is social media. On the other hand, personal selling and relationship marketing with corporate customers are necessary to realize maximum profits. Moreover, premium pricing is the pricing strategy Pure® Drinking Water plans to adopt. Finally, when place and time utilities are implemented, the firm will realize huge profits.
5. 结论 产品营销分析论文代写
预计推出具有枣味的 Pure® 饮用水将面临许多挑战。 进入市场、开发客户的过程需要充分的营销传播策划。 然而,推出以枣子调味的瓶装水具有巨大的潜力。 这是因为它是瓶装水的下一个前沿。 适当的营销、发布和定位对于提高该产品的盈利能力是必要的。 如前所述,目标市场是年轻人和企业。 最适合年轻人的促销策略是社交媒体。 另一方面,个人销售和与企业客户的关系营销是实现最大利润所必需的。 此外,溢价定价是 Pure® 饮用水计划采用的定价策略。 最后,当实施地点和时间效用时,公司将实现巨额利润。
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