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中国与全球金融市场问题集代写 ECOM137代写

2024-02-16 11:30 星期五 所属: 商科代写,金融经济统计代写-100%原创拿高分 浏览:352

ECOM137 China and Global Financial Markets

Problem Set 7


1.Are the following statements True or False? If False, give reasons.   中国与全球金融市场问题集代写

1) Total bank assets should be the sum of total bank liabilities and bank capital.

2) Capital adequacy ratio is a measure of bank’s profitability.

3) Return on assets and return on equity are measures of bank’s profitability.

4) Return on assets and return on equity are related by leverage.

5) By mid-1990s, the Chinese banking sector has a two-tier banking system.


2.Short answers.  中国与全球金融市场问题集代写

The first round of reform and restructuring of the state-owned commercial banks (SOCBs) took place from 1995 to 2002, which focused on bank commercialization.

1) What were the external factors that catalyzed this round of reform?

2) What was the procedure to remove the non-performing loans (NPL) from the SOCBs’ books?



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