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中国与全球金融市场作业代做 ECOM137代写

2024-02-17 11:30 星期六 所属: 经济作业 浏览:351

ECOM137 China and Global Financial Markets

Problem Set 8


1.Are the following statements True or False? If False, give reasons.   中国与全球金融市场作业代做

1) The Chinese authorities do not comply with the Basel III Accord.

2) By now, all major state-owned commercial banks have been transformed into public banks with a diversified shareholding structure.

3) There are entirely privately owned banks in China.

4) The joint-stock commercial banks tend to have more non-performing loans than the state-owned commercial banks in China.

5) A high return on equity (ROE) can result from high profitability or high leverage.   中国与全球金融市场作业代做

6) Depositors in China would lose all their savings if their bank went bankrupt.

7) The Twin-Peak model of financial regulation proposes two independent regulatory bodies, specializing in micro-prudential regulation and macro-prudential regulation.

8) Macro-prudential regulation focuses on monitoring and limiting systemic risks.

9) China’s current regulatory framework features one central bank and three regulatory commissions.

10) Universal life insurance and peer-to-peer online lending have been singled out for special restriction in the 2017 regulatory crackdown.

2.Short answers.   中国与全球金融市场作业代做

1) The second round of reform and restructuring of the state-owned commercial banks (SOCBs) took place from 2003 and 2010, which focused on bank modernization. Compared to the first round of reform and restructure, what were the key differences in the way banks were restructured?

2) Describe briefly the multi-layered banking system in China.

3) Describe briefly the features of the approach that the Chinese government has taken to financial regulation since 2017.




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