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Personal Development代写 Development Needs代写

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Personal Development代写

Development Needs Analysis and Personal Development Plan

Section One: Development Need Analysis

Personal Development代写 Development Needs Analysis and Personal Development Plan:Section One: Development Need Analysis······

Introduction  Personal Development代写

A successful student and a professional need to have a personal need analysis. There is always a doable way to make future goals a reality. The creation of a PDP provides a structure and guidance to a student or professional who needs to be proactive and the steps needed to reach the eventual targets (Beausaert, Segers, Fouarge, & Gijselaers, 2013). A PDP is a self-reflection and assessment account for improvement and details the action plan intended to achieve academic, personal and career goals.  Personal Development代写**格式

The main values of PDP include helping in a career change and building on current skills. The PDP pushes one to learn new skills and qualify abilities and hence is used as the most logical way to accomplish range of different objectives. As a student, I can use my PDP to define my career path or area of study by stipulating well-thought-out and realistic goals. It also ensures motivation remains on high gear and accurate tracking of progress. Therefore, through PDP I am able to demonstrate my dedication, enthusiasm, and abilities to learn and plan.

Background  Personal Development代写

I am a versatile student aiming to attain the best possible grades.

As a student, I have academic goals. First, I want to have the opportunity to think critically and do research in my field of study. According to Morisano, Hirsh, Peterson, Pihl, and Shore, B. M. (2010), academic goals give exposition to wide range of possibilities and open up discoveries that will contribute to the growth of the field. Secondly, I aim to be a proactive student through participation in class or group discussions and other scholastic activities. The goal will help me to never shy away from people and challenges.  Personal Development代写**格式

I will be confident and humble at sharing my opinion with my classmates. Thirdly, I aim to overcome failures since its one aspect of life that people decide to give up. I will put failure in the perspective of opportunity to learn and grow. Fourth, I will never settle for less. I will work hard in all class projects and ace all my projects. Above all, I want to be a reader by reading widely. This is the main method to feed my desire to acquire knowledge. Reading gives ability to think and see things in broader perspective. Overall, academic goals have immense impact on my long-term goals.

Additionally, formulating professional goals will go further in the fulfillment of my career.  Personal Development代写

The goals will help me be the best version of myself professionally (Duke, 1990). First, I will never stop expanding my professional knowledge and training. Learning is an unending process even after graduating with my bachelor’s degree. As a professional, there are many ways that I can expand my knowledge including enrolling in short courses, attending training programs and workshops. These certifications are clear evidence that knowledge has been attained. Secondly, I will always work to improve my work performance. Various factors affect work performance and ethics.   Personal Development代写**格式

I have to learn the ways to work around anything that might distract me and set me off from achieving my goals. Good work performance begins by getting to the office early. Work on my attitude toward my job while working efficiently and effectively. Most importantly, the way I see myself as a professional impact immensely to my work. As such, I will work on my mindset to never have doubts about what I do. A negative mindset is detrimental to personal image and overall work performance as well as lowering motivation. I will constantly believe in myself and stand out in trials that come my way. I have to keep on personal growth to improve my work performance.

Moreover, the key to professional success is creating strong professional relationships.  Personal Development代写

I will aim to build a healthy working environment since it has a hallmark impact on my performance. The reason for keeping this in mind is because there are different people in the workplace from different cultures and social backgrounds. I may not be fond of all people but I need to learn the art of engaging them professionally and socially and be able to set aside personal differences. My main goals should be to treat my colleagues and employee with professionalism. I should accord respect along with simple greetings. The rewards are a good experience at work and that is more bearable.

Furthermore, I will aim to get more earnings out of the good performance.  Personal Development代写

Most people are underpaid and I do not want to be a part of this group. Through personal and professional development, I will package myself to get good employers and have gain bargaining power. Better pay is accompanied by the attainment of higher job roles. I will target to possess the power to turn the organization to something better than I found it. I need to gather much experience to achieve these and hence requires patience and humility.

Strategic Learner  Personal Development代写

Some people study better in a group while others prefer to learn on their own.

I am an independent learner. I find myself more focused on the tasks when left to learn on myself. I am often adept at analysis and able to think broadly and come up with ideas when given time to think independently. There are many theories explaining the concept of learning. Kolb’s learning styles is one of the best and widely used learning style theory (Pashler, McDaniel, Rohrer, & Bjork, 2008). It is by design a make-up of genetics, experiences, and environment. Learning takes part in two levels including four-stage cycle of learning and four separate learning styles.  Personal Development代写**格式

Kolb mainly concerned with internal cognitive processes of a learner. He believed that learning involves acquisition of abstract concepts that applicable in range of circumstances. In regard to Kolb’s theory of learning style, I consider myself a convergent learner. As an independent learner I have ability to solve problems using what I have learned. For instance, in a class setting, when a tutor explains a certain concept, I find myself reflecting on the practical and theoretical applicability of these concepts and ideas.   Personal Development代写**格式

Thus, I am more productive at getting solutions to problems when alone than as a group. I love practical and technical learning rather than listening. I have a good cognitive vision of situations. The learning style has made excel in classes that are technical and involve practice as well as problem-solving. Additionally, convergent ability is essential in my profession. I will be able to solve complex problems that require application of concepts and theories. Also, I will act as a source of new and innovative ideas for the betterment of my organization. It is an opportunity to better my performance and get career advancement.

Similarly, Bruner’s theory on constructivism is also applicable in both my academic and professional personal development.  Personal Development代写

The theory view learning as an active process where new ideas are created through the interaction of the current knowledge and past experience (Lutz, & Huitt, 2004). Learners get cognition to get meanings of the experiences. The theory is applicable to me, particularly in professional setting. I target to get broad experience, training and knowledge in my field. I will use them to get career advancement, higher roles and good earnings.

Skills Analysis  Personal Development代写

Both as a student and a professional, there are set skills that I need to harbor to be successful (Nabi, & Bagley, 1998). The common skills include reading skills, communication skills, research skills, leadership skills, interpersonal skills, and personal motivation, organization and time management skills. Additionally, to keep track of my skills and growth I need to device self-awareness methods including practicing meditation, keeping journal records, and have written goals, plans, and priorities. Reading skills is the ability to read, comprehend, and interpret written words.   Personal Development代写**格式

As a student and a professional, I need to be an ardent reader to gain broader perspectives and knowledge in my field. Similarly, good communication skills including active listening, non-verbal communication, questioning, etcetera are needed especially when communicating to my seniors and juniors in an organization. Besides, I need to have research skills which include report writing, data collection and analysis in both my profession and academia. These skills will help in exploring and discovering solutions to problems. Also, for career advancement and higher roles, I need to portray exceptional leadership skills to my organization. Leadership skills include good communication, motivator, delegations, responsible etcetera. Overall, at individual level, I need to intrinsically motivated to scale the heights of the organizational hierarchy.

Conclusion  Personal Development代写

The personal development plan is the best way to evaluate self and try to focus on the future. It helps build identify opportunities and build on weaknesses while withstanding life hurdles that are inevitable. Even if one may end up not achieving the goals, the efforts alone are an indication to the tutor and the employer of the desire for self-improvement. Therefore, it is a perfect decision towards achieving academic excellence and career advancement.

Personal Development代写
Personal Development代写


Beausaert, S., Segers, M., Fouarge, D., & Gijselaers, W. (2013). Effect of using a personal development plan on learning and development. Journal of Workplace Learning, 25(3), 145-158.

Duke, D. L. (1990). Setting Goals for Professional Development. Educational Leadership, 47(8), 71-75.

Lutz, S., & Huitt, W. (2004). Connecting cognitive development and constructivism: implications from theory for instruction and assessment. Constructivism in the Human Sciences, 9(1), 67-90.

Morisano, D., Hirsh, J. B., Peterson, J. B., Pihl, R. O., & Shore, B. M. (2010). The setting, elaborating, and reflecting on personal goals improves academic performance. Journal of applied psychology, 95(2), 255.

Nabi, G. R., & Bagley, D. (1998). Graduates’ perceptions of transferable personal skills and future career preparation in the UK. Career Development International, 3(1), 31-39.

Pashler, H., McDaniel, M., Rohrer, D., & Bjork, R. (2008). Learning styles: Concepts and evidence. Psychological science in the public interest, 9(3), 105-119.

Section Two: Personal Development Plan

357LON Developing Business Skills

Personal Development Plan  Personal Development代写




Covering the period from: December 17, 2019 To: December 31, 2020



My Goals: Where do I want to be by the end of this period?



What do I want/need to learn? What will I do to achieve this? What resources or support will I need? What will my success criteria be? Target dates for review and completion.  

How have I chosen these dates?



Reading Skills  Personal Development代写

I will consult my instructor on the methods to utilize at my reading. I will also use lectures and online research School database, library access and buy as many books as I can. Ability to read and understand a text fast and promptly. March 31, 2020. I will have three months to read and to adjust to the new routine.

Communication Skills



Inquire from lectures and tutor. Practice with colleagues and classmates I need people to communicate. Library access and reading materials. Being able to communicate and understand both verbal and non-verbal communication skills. March 31, 2020. I will have three months to read and to adjust to the new routine.   Personal Development代写**格式

Research Skills





I will consult my instructor. I will also use lectures and online research. Library and database access. Lecture materials and online research. Ability to collect and analyze data as well as deducing conclusions from the findings. June 30, 2020. I will have completed the first two skills in March and hence have time to learn research skills in three months.


Leadership skills  Personal Development代写



Attend training programs and courses. Attend sessions and read relevant materials. Being self-motivated, good communication, critical thinking, etc. December 31, 2020. The time is sufficient so as to have an overall annual evaluation.

Section Three: Appendices

QAA Core Skills Audit

Core Skill Skill Rating (1–10)

Low =1 – High = 10


Insert an example to support your rating

Cognitive skills: critical thinking, analysis, and synthesis 8  




Problem-solving and decision making: using quantitative and qualitative data 8  





Research and investigative skills: as part of individual and team assignments 9  





Information and communications technology skills: using a range of business applications  8  





Numeracy and quantitative skills: data analysis, interpretation, and extrapolation 8  




Communication skills: oral and written English, using a range of media 7  




Interpersonal skills:  talking, listening and negotiation 8  



Team-working skills: leadership, team-building, influencing others 8  




Personal management skills: time management and planning, motivating yourself, using initiative 8  




Learning skills:  reflective, adaptive and collaborative 9  




Self-awareness:  sensitivity and openness to others who are different to you, emotional intelligence 9  



Personal SWOT Analysis  Personal Development代写




Critical thinker

Good communication

Leadership skills



Easily distracted

Not very confident

Not a good reader




Training programs and workshops in the organization

Numerous materials for personal improvement

Collaboration with others for better results



Busy with my work and hence little extra time

Impulsiveness can lead to drastic choices at work

Distractions can hinder performance

Presentation Self-Assessment  Personal Development代写


    1   2   3   4   5

1 Introduction     3     Average
2 Sticking to the topic     4     Good
3 Range of information covered     4     Good
4 The usefulness of visual aids     4     Good
4 Number of visual aids     3     Average
6 Speaking style     4     Good
7 Overall pace     5     Excellent
8 Dealing with questions     4     Good
9 Encouraging the audience     3     Average
10 Summary and conclusion     4     Good



COMMENT on your contribution to the presentation:

Creating an interpersonal communication


IDENTIFY areas that need improvement:

Communication skills

Job Advertisement  Personal Development代写

Job description

We have an opportunity to be part of a dynamic team, responsible for delivering an industry-leading, end-to-end, enterprise-wide business continuity and incident management capability.

We need:

  •  A Business Continuity Consultant, to join the Directorate of Business Continuity & Incident Management, in our head offices in Swindon.
  •  Salary £30,506 – £44,065 a year (dependent on skills and experience) based on a permanent, full-time contract
  •  Please send in your application by 22nd November 2019

As part of our team, you will get access to training to help you progress and develop your technical skills and career.   Personal Development代写**格式

You will be required to be part of a formal on-call 24-hour rota, enabling rapid response to issues or problems that may arise in the business. You will work to tight deadlines and respond at short-notice; therefore, you will need a good level of personal resilience and self-motivation to get you through the challenging times.

Personal Development代写
Personal Development代写

Who we’re looking for 

Ideally, you will bring experience in business continuity and incident management, be agile and thrive within a challenging and continuously improving environment.
You will have advanced communication skills and an ability to relate to and influence employees at all levels.   Personal Development代写**格式
You will be required to pick up diverse business areas and quickly understand business objectives/structure, communicate resilience and continuity issues and constraints to technical and non-technical colleagues/audiences.
As a minimum requirement you’ll:

  •  Be CBCI qualified or have relevant business experience with a commitment to successfully achieving the CBCI qualification within the first 6 months of joining the team.
  •  Have knowledge of Business Continuity and Resilience regulatory requirements and industry standards, including BA23; BCI Good Practice and ISO 22301
  •  Have strong experience in business continuity practices and principles
  •  Be a resilient and motivated self-starter who relishes a challenge. Able to think on your feet and make decisions
  •  Have the ability to pick up diverse business areas and quickly understand business objectives/structure or function.   Personal Development代写**格式
  •  Have advanced communication skills and ability to relate to and influence employees at all levels
  •  The ability to communicate resilience and continuity issues and constraints to technical and non-technical colleagues/audiences
  •  Have demonstrable experience in project management and consultancy, technical development, support, and operation, and/or audit

It would be nice if you also had:

  •  Experience in financial services

What you’ll be doing  Personal Development代写

You’ll proactively engage with projects, change programs and third parties, providing expertise, and ensuring continuity plans are in place and aligned to the business continuity strategy.

You will support the Society to ensure resilience and continuity risks are effectively mitigated through an appropriate mix of preventative and responsive controls, becoming more resilient to continuity risks, and ensuring service to members is protected throughout the major change.   Personal Development代写**格式

You’ll contribute to cross-organizational training, planning and exercising initiatives. Development of continuity and resilience plans, strategies and frameworks.

The extras you’ll get  Personal Development代写

If you put a lot in, it’s only fair you should get a lot out. So if you help us do the right thing for our members, we’ll help further your career with us.

As part of our team you’ll get:

  •  Access to training to help you progress and develop your technical skills and career
  •  A pension scheme where if you pay in 7% we’ll top it up to 23%
  •  Life assurance worth 8x your salary
  •  24 days’ holiday plus bank holidays
  •  The ability to ‘buy’ up to 10 days more holiday
  •  Flexible benefits scheme giving you access to discount vouchers at various retail outlets
  •  Access to an annual performance related bonus scheme

Cover Letter  Personal Development代写


The Hiring Manager

National Swindon


Dear hiring manager,


Regarding the Business Continuity Consultant position currently advertised on Monster.co.uk, please find attached a copy of my CV for your consideration. I have recently graduated with 85/100 in Business law, economics and international marketing from Beihang University and hope to put this to use in the field consulting industry. The course covered many topics, and I was particularly drawn to international marketing. I am looking to develop specialist skills in this area and build a successful career.

I have put my course theory into practice in a variety of ways, most effectively as a project assistant at KPMG.  Personal Development代写

Where I Participated in the investment environment assessment project of Suzhou city in China. Designed the framework of the project; Use four methods of desk research to establish an evaluation index system for the business environment of Suzhou Industrial Park; Participated in the writing of deliverables. I also mastered the assessment method and the basic process of urban investment environment and improved logical thinking and ability to analyze and solve problems. After KPMG, I joined Sunrise Oriental (HK) Advisory as the Assistant Analyst. I Investigated MTG joint-stock company; Perform industry analysis and company analysis; Identified the reasons for its decline in sales in China in 2018.   Personal Development代写**格式

Also, Investigated Bao Wine Food Co., Ltd; Inquired relevant policies in China and analyzed competitors; Formulated a feasible plan for the company to open up the Chinese market. Besides, I Attend the 2019 Finical Service Update Seminar held by Development Bank of Singapore, Harneys and ComplianceAsia and conference held by ComplianceAsia. Additionally, I collected information about Cayman fund marketing, trusteeship and brokerage business and discussed with the participants; Understand market demands of asset management derivatives and development trend as well as Singapore practice guidance.

Having extensively researched your company’s values and products.  Personal Development代写

I was especially interested in your international orientation. I feel it would be the ideal place for me to begin my career and I believe I can be an excellent addition to your team.

If you would like to get in touch to discuss my application and to arrange an interview, you can contact me ().

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely


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