CGE25111 Globalization and Business
Individual Assignment I
Individual Assignment代写 The basic purpose of this assignment is to help you develop following skills:Critical thinking and analysis

The basic purpose of this assignment is to help you develop following skills:
→ Critical thinking and analysis
→ Generation, and organization of ideas on a specific topic
→ Exploring and clarifying your thinking on theoretical concepts through the writing process
→ Supporting your ideas and statements through effective elaboration, prioritization, and explanation
THE TOPIC & TASK Individual Assignment代写
Write a paper in about 1500 words (+/- 10%) in respect of the following 2 question: You have to structure your paper suitably and declare word count on the cover page.
Question 1 Individual Assignment代写
You are vice president of operations for a global business that is in the first stages of launching a range of products and services into the Malaysian market. You are aware of the fact that the country boosts a diverse population with distinctive cultural, social, and political segments. It may therefore be necessary to factor in different traditions and views that are held by the different groups.
- Malaysia’s population consists of Malays (60%), Chinese (30%), and Indians (10%). Choose one of these cultural components and analyze the culture by the concepts you learnt from Lecture 2.
- How would you go about creating specific marketing and advertising for different groups, if necessary, with respect to products and services?
Question 2 Individual Assignment代写
You are the production manager for a global business with assembly facilities around the world. The business has tended to manufacture in the home country, a developed one, with the assembly of the products taking place in a strategically located country in each of the major groupings of markets. You have been asked to look at relocating some of the production of the older product lines in some of these assembly facilities and using them as production plants.
Traditionally production has worked closely with research and development in the home country. Your changes need to reflect the fact that sales have fallen in the home market with increased competition. At the same time, key markets around the world are booming. “Home or abroad?” is the question and the potential future of the business is in your hands.
- With demand low in the home country, why might it make sense to relocate production to a developing nation?
- How would you consider the manufacture of maturing products? Would you consider moving production elsewhere?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages for the domestic production facilities of moving production abroad?
→ This assignment will be evaluated based on:
■ Depth of your insight into the topic
■ Independent and critical thinking
■ Well-organized and well-reasoned critical analysis and response, duly supported by reasons
DEADLINE Individual Assignment代写
Week # 14: Friday, December 6, 2019 on or before 5 p.m.
a. Submit hard copy of the report before 5 p.m. in my pigeon hole outside General Office of the Faulty of Business.
b. Submit soft copy through Canvas

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