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2022-04-21 11:22 星期四 所属: 市场营销代写 浏览:561




业务管理代写 InstructionsYou are allowed to use a paper dictionary. No break is allowed during this exam. The teacher will not answer questions during the exam.

Instructions  业务管理代写

  • You are allowed to use a paper dictionary.
  • No break is allowed during this exam.
  • The teacher will not answer questions during the exam.
  • Students must remain silent during the exam.
  • It is the teacher’s responsibility to identify language errors. If such errors are found, teachers may apply a penalty of up to 20% of the grade.
  • Plagiarism, attempts at plagiarism or complicity in plagiarism during a summative evaluation results in a mark of zero (0). In the case of recidivism, in the same course or in another course, the student will be given a grade of ‘0’ for the course in question..
  • Please write clearly.


Part 1: Short Answer Questions  业务管理代写

[70 marks-10 marks each]

Please select and answer seven out of the nine questions.

Be concise and clear. Think about your answer and plan it before you start writing. It is imperative to know that a well written and well-structured answer will have an important effect on the grading. No more than 150 words per answer.

1.How does the new concept of marketing differ from the old one?

2.Describe the myth of the “born” salesperson.

3.With respect to sales call objectives, explain the difference between a primary, a minimum, and an optimal objective, and then provide examples of each.

4.Give some examples of how salespeople can use different technologies to improve their efficiency and better serve prospects and customers.

5.List several kinds of sales call stage fright. What would you do to overcome these fears?

6.Name as many different approach strategies as you can, and briefly give a sales example of each.

7.How might a salesperson overcome a poor self-image? (tight in non-verbal, professionalism)

8.What is consultative selling? Give examples.

9.Describe the meaning of nonverbal messages. Why should salespeople be concerned about these messages?




Part 2: Short Answer Questions  业务管理代写

[30 marks-15 marks each]

Please select and answer two out of the three questions.

Be concise and clear. Think about your answer and plan it before you start writing. It is imperative to know that a well written and well-structured answer will have an important effect on the grading. No more than 200 words per answer.

1.Why is partnering described as the highest-quality selling relationship? Why has the building of partnerships become more important today?

2.Define customer relationship management and discuss how it can be used to manage relationships with customers.

3.What do the letters in SMART stand for? How can SMART help a salesperson set sales call objectives?






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