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计算机代写:数据库代写IT代写Faculty of Information Technology FIT9130 Systems Analysis and Design

2018-08-30 08:00 星期四 所属: 数据库代写,Database代写SQL代做-cs大神助你起飞 浏览:721

Faculty of Information Technology FIT9130 Systems Analysis and Design

Assignment Two

Semester 2, 2018

You should read this assignment specification carefully. It outlines what you need to do, what you need to submit, and how your submission will be assessed.


Assignment Overview

In this assignment, you will produce a conceptual design specification report for the attached case using several design techniques. Note that this is an individual, not a group, assignment.

There are three deliverables required:

1. an initial draft of a design specification report containing a narrative overview (Assignment 2A);

2. an initial draft of the complete design specification report (referred to as Assignment 2B); and

3. the final complete design specification report (referred to as Assignment 2C).

The purpose of the assignment is to simulate a proper systems design consulting project where you, as the designer, will need to work with the client to identify and elicit design requirements. In addition to the included case text below, if you require further information, you can ask further clarification from your tutor during the tutorial, consultation times and on the Assignment 2 discussion forum on Moodle.


Assignment Due Dates

Assignment 2A – 11.30pm Sunday, Week 5 (26th August 2018) Assignment 2B – 4pm Friday, Week 8 (14th September 2018) Assignment 2C – 4pm Friday, Week 12 (19th October 2018)

Note: Submission times are for the time zone at Caulfield (Australian Eastern Standard Time).


Assignment Value

· Assignment 2A: 5% of your overall grade

· Assignment 2B: 15% of your overall grade

· Assignment 2C: 20% of your overall grade

Collectively, the entire assignment is worth 40% of your overall grade for FIT9130.


Learning Objectives

Successful completion of this assignment will lead to knowledge of and skills in:

· techniques for functional analysis of a business problem;

· communicating an understanding of a design problem, as well as a design solution to a non-technical audience;

· the purpose of, and techniques used to develop, requirements specification for an information system;

· conceptual modelling of data and processes using the following techniques:

a. Entity Relationship Diagrams

b. Use Case Diagrams

c. Activity Diagram for a selected activity

d. System Sequence Diagram for the activity diagrams above

The assignment assesses your understanding of materials covered in Weeks 3-8 inclusively of the syllabus.



The assignment is divided into three deliverables. The first two, 2A and 2B, are intended as draft submissions which can be improved after feedback for inclusion in the subsequent assignment submission.

5.1 Assignment 2A – Draft Narrative Overview and Report Structure

This is a draft skeleton design specification report. Your report should include all the sections that you anticipate submitting for the final submission in Part 2C. However, the only content required is the initial introductory narrative overview. In addition to the assignment coversheet, you should include, at a minimum:

1. a title page

2. an executive summary

3. a table of contents

4. an introduction containing your narrative overview

5. section headings for subsequent sections of the design specification report

The narrative overview should outline your understanding of the design problem based on the case material provided below. It should also give some idea of the proposed design solution, although this may become more detailed later in Parts 2B and 2C. The narrative overview should not just paraphrase the case study document. The narrative overview needs to establish your understanding of the scope and nature of the design problem to be solved, as well as any other information necessary for the client to understand the proposed design solution.

5.2 Part 2B – Draft Conceptual Model

Building on your submission from 2A, you will submit a completed draft design specification report containing:

1. a title page

2. an executive summary

3. a table of contents

4. an introduction containing your narrative overview (revised, if necessary, based on feedback from Part 2A)

5. The following conceptual models:

a. an entity relationship diagram

b. a complete set of use case diagrams

c. activity diagrams for a selected use case

d. system sequence diagrams for the activity diagrams above

Your submission for 2B can differ from 2A based on the feedback you receive.

5.3 Part 2C – Final Design Specification Report

Based on feedback from your submission for Part 2B, you will submit a final version of your report.

Assessment Criteria

6.1 Part 2A

1. Completeness of discussion on the project background

2. Completeness of understanding of the scope and nature of the design problem

3. Completeness of report structure

4. Quality and professionalism of presentation, including report layout and grammar

6.2 Part 2B and Part 2C

1. Narrative overview:

a. Completeness of discussion of project background

b. Completeness of understanding of the scope and nature of the design problem

2. Diagrams:

a. Quality of the design solution and support for the business requirements

b. Correctness of execution of diagramming technique

3. Quality and professionalism of presentation, including layout, structure and grammar

All criteria will have equal weighting in determining your final mark for the assignment. A copy of the assignment marking guide used by your tutor will be available for download from Moodle.



On-campus students at Caulfield are required to submit both a hard copy and an electronic copy of their submissions. On-campus students at Malaysia and off-campus students are only required to submit an electronic copy via TurnItIn.

7.1 Electronic Copy (all students)

All students should submit their final submissions through TurnItIn by using the relevant links on Moodle. Submissions must be in either Microsoft Word or PDF format.

7.2 Hard Copy (Caulfield on-campus students only)

Caulfield on-campus students must also submit a printed and bound copy of their Part 2B and Part 2C submissions. Submit the printed copy, with an assignment coversheet, in the assignment submission box on Level 6 of Building H.

7.3 Extensions/Special Consideration

All applications for special consideration must be made no later than two days after the submission date and must be made using the Special Consideration Application form available via the Unit’s Moodle site. You must read the associated Special Consideration policy outlining the grounds for granting special consideration and attach the appropriate documentation to your form. Submit your form to your lecturer, not your tutor.

Do not assume that submission of a Special Consideration application guarantees that it will be granted – you must receive confirmation that it has been granted from your lecturer.

7.4 Penalty for Late Submission

Late submissions without an approved extension will be subject to a penalty of 10 marks per day. Weekends count as a single day. No submission will be accepted more than one week late.

7.5 Turnitin

Turnitin is an online tool to assist students and staff in understanding and supporting the ethical and appropriate use of materials. Students are required to submit an electronic version (in .doc format and WITHOUT the cover page) of each submission through the Moodle site of this unit.

Turnitin generates the initial originality report quickly. However, if you resubmit your assignment for analysis, there will be a 24-hour delay before a new report is generated.

You are permitted multiple submissions to Turnitin until the due date of the relevant assignment. You may want to make improvements based on the report and resubmit it through the same Turnitin submission link. Each submission will overwrite the previous submission and only the last submission / originality report will be viewed.

Further details can be found at:



Plagiarism and Collusion

Note that this is an individual assignment. While general collaboration between students in terms of understanding of modelling concepts is acceptable, the assignment and the solution contained in it must be entirely your own work.

You must not:

· Use another student’s work as the basis for your own.

· Use another student’s work to help ‘give you ideas’

· Steal, appropriate or make use of the work of another student without their knowledge.

· Lend your work to another student for any reason

· Borrow work from another student for any reason

· Use the ideas, words or other intellectual property of anyone without proper attribution.

· Leave your work unattended on the student laboratory computers or give your authcate details to anyone.

Penalties for plagiarism and/or collusion can include formal reprimands, notes being attached to your student file, failure in the assignment, failure in the unit or even suspension or exclusion from the university.

See the Unit Guide for more information on plagiarism and cheating, and for links to Faculty and University policies on this topic.

The Case: CareGiver

You are hired as a business analyst to work for Elderlycare Inc., a not-for-profit organization run by a charity organization based in Melbourne, Australia, established by Divesh Shah and Shizuo (Andrew) Li. As the business analyst of Elderlycare Inc., you will design an innovative mobile-based software solution to connect and manage volunteers for aged care, “CareGiver.” The goal of CareGiver is to provide a platform to connect nonmedical, in-home caregivers for physically or mentally impaired seniors.


The background

Elderlycare Inc. thoroughly examines volunteer applicants and accepts government- certified home health aides, nursing assistants, licensed vocational nurses and people with recent senior caregiving experience. It also checks driving and criminal records. Before starting work, each service-provider (volunteer applicant) is registered with the Department of Social Services. Senior citizens, or responsible family members, search for volunteers much in the way someone might select from a list of qualified and fully vetted Taskers for a job.


Usually, Elderlycare first conduct a face-to-face assessment with the senior citizen who require aged care (senior citizen, or responsible family member), where the company determines the needs, preferences and other considerations of the person in need. Senior citizen users (care receivers) first undergo an initial assessment to determine the types of services they will likely to use. This is used to tailor search results for each senior citizen when looking for volunteers. Assume that senior citizens are able to create their own profiles and family members can be added to their profiles to view their health and well-being.


The mobile app

The mobile app helps to manage the volunteers and acts as a repository for storing the details of the volunteers, activities they carry, senior citizen details and it also acts as a platform that shares information of the seniors with their family members. Once the senior member is registered, the senior or family member can log in at any time to order a volunteer matching their profile to come over and help them make lunch, bathe and dress, take their medications on schedule or go for a walk. The volunteers who are registered on the app receives a notification as soon as they are allocated a task on the mobile app.

Divesh and Andrew has identified some of the important aspects of the mobile application:


User Registration

Divesh and Andrew want profiles for the senior citizens, their family member(s) as well as the volunteers. Each user of the mobile app will need to register. This will allow them to access the platform from various devices, apps, browsers and other online services that the user may use. The profile can be minimal but should have options for senior citizen users to fill out a range of health and demographic information such as age, gender, location, weight, and height and specify some fitness goals. All users can also add a profile picture. The senior citizens should be able to enter what they require the volunteer to do for them (tasks).


Task Entries

The core of the CareGiver app is the idea of a task list. For elderly users (senior citizen), the most common entry added to their diary will be some kind of activity that they need help such as cleaning, bathing, walking and dressing them. The app needs to support a wide range of care giving activities. Each type of activity may have a number of different data items recorded. All will include a date, start time and duration. Some, like walking, will include distance covered and comments on their health. Other entries the care givers may enter will be for various health or fitness measurements such as their weight, and in general a comment on how they are on that day. If the volunteer is cooking a meal for the elders, they can also add entries for meals that they eat – this would include the date and the type of meal (breakfast, lunch, etc.).

Finally, care givers can also add text-based diary entries and attach photos or videos of the elder that they look after. This maybe a comment on how they’re doing, or some other piece of information they’d like to share with their family.

Divesh and Andrew want these entries to be like posts on other social media sites like

Facebook. Family members should be able to comment on their elders’ entries.

Using a web browser or the mobile app that will be developed, family members or the elder can manually add an entry to their diary. They should also be able to edit or delete any entries they’ve made. This is similar to TaskRabbit where you can enter tasks. Details of TaskRabbit can be found in https://www.taskrabbit.com/.


Social Interaction

Sharing the information with the elders’ families

As with other social media platforms, care giver users should be able to share the information with their families. The family members will see their elders’ diary entries in their ‘feed,’ allowing them to comment on those entries.


Viewing Progress

Aside from the social aspects of the platform being appealing to end users, Divesh and Andrew are hoping that many of the family members will be interested in the data analysis possibilities that the mobile app offers. They would like the platform to support a range of reports that users can create to track the elders’ health and wellbeing over time.

Reports may be of simple measures recorded in the users’ diary over time, such as weight or blood pressure. It may be based on simple calculations, such as the distance covered per week, how they are feeling etc.

Your tutor on behalf of Divesh and Andrew are available to answer more questions you may have about their requirements for the mobile app during the tutorial, consultation times and on the Assignment 2 discussion forum on Moodle.

You as the business analyst will work with the Divesh and Andrew to come up with detailed mobile features, identify the information to be managed by the product, the types of users, as well as non-functional requirements.

You will document your design in a design specification report to present to Divesh and Andrew.


Note: You will need to do some research on features and functions of similar applications that may already exist and include them into your design document. To get some ideas about the such applications you can check the following videos and websites.

Some example startups are Honor and Homecare. You can read about these companies through the following links.

Honor: https://www.joinhonor.com/

Honor: https://www.joinhonor.com/services

Homecare: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2n7eN84YcI


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