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管理会计考试代写 Managerial Accounting代写

2021-12-27 11:50 星期一 所属: 会计代写 浏览:993

Managerial Accounting

Final test / Exam

管理会计考试代写 Group I (8 Values)(Estimated solving time: 50 minutes) Company FOR’SURE manufactures and sells three products, according to the following process:

 Duration: 120 minutes (Exam) – 120 minutes (Final Test)

 Group I (8 Values)  管理会计考试代写

(Estimated solving time: 50 minutes)

Company FOR’SURE manufactures and sells three products, according to the following process:

Material M is transformed in departments A and B, thus originating semi-product X. Part of this semiproduct is sold, and the remaining semi-product is used in the production of product Y, with material N, in department B. By-product Z is also obtained, in the proportion of 20% of the main product, which is sold immediately, with no further transformations.

The company also has an auxiliary department, department C, whose allocation is made in Lh, and an auxiliary department D, with no defined activity, which charges its costs, in equal parts, to the remaining manufacturing departments. There is also a RMW, which charges its costs proportionally to the purchases of materials M and N.

From the annual budget of FOR’SURE, for the year 2020, the following elements are known:




Other information:

  • The forecasted opening cash for 2020 is 1.000€. The company plans monthly cash

availabilities of 2.000€ onwards;

  • The company has taken a medium long term loan, on 1stof October of 2019, in the amount of 30.000€, to be refunded in 10 equal semi-annual consecutive payments, starting on the 31stof March 2020, then on the 30th of September 2020, and so on. When paying capital refunds, the company will also pay interest at the annual rate of 5%;
  • To face any cash needs, the company negotiated a short term credit line, with an annual interest rate of 8%, payed every semester on borrowed funds; The refunds shall be made at the company’s convenience;
  • The company also negotiated the possibility of using any cash surplus to invest in financial instruments, deliver interest at the rate of 4% a year, receivable in the semester following its capitalization.


YOU ARE REQUIRED TO PREPARE, presenting all the necessary calculations:

1- The production programme (Appendix 1)

2- The material purchases budget (Appendix 2)

3- The direct costs, variable and fixed, forecasted for departments A and B, filling the missing values (Appendix 3)

4- The forecasted cost for each product (Appendix 4)

5- The missing values in the Cash Budget (Appendix 5)

6- The Financial Budget (Appendix 6)


Group II (8,5 values)  管理会计考试代写

(Estimated solving time: 50 minutes)

Company ZET manufactures product X by converting material M in department P. There is also a Raw Materials Warehouse, whose costs are charged to the purchased quantity of material M.

The following elements of the actual and forecasted results are known (values in euros):



Knowing that the company uses the budgeted full absorption costing system, you are required to answer the following questions (present all calculations):

1.Calculate the actual and the budgeted Gross Profit (Appendix 7)

2.Analyze and comment the accounting variances for purchases of M and the department P’s costs;

3.Analyze and comment the non-accounting variances for sales and cost of sales (Appendix 8)



Group III (3,5 Values)  管理会计考试代写

(Estimated solving time: 20 minutes)

If you chose FINAL TEST, answer this Demonstrate and justify the activity variance of a department using the budgeted costing system. (Appendix 10)

If you chose EXAM, answer this Comment the following affirmation: Describe the traditional budgeting process and discuss its benefits and main criticisms. EXAM (Appendix 10 A)





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