XML was designed to describe data and to focus on what data is.
XML 的产生是用来描述数据并关注数据的实质是什么
HTML was designed to display data and to focus on how data looks.
HTML 则是用来显示数据,它所关注的是数据显示的效果
What You Should Already Know [ 哪些是你应该已经知道的 ] Before you continue you should have a basic understanding of the following:
JavaScript 或 VBScript
If you want to study these subjects first, find the tutoRIAls on our
编程语言(programming language),是用来定义计算机程序的形式语言。它是一种被标准化的交流技巧,用来向计算机发出指令。一种计算机语言让程序员能够准确地定义计算机所需要使用的数据,并精确地定义在不同情况下所应当采取的行动。[1]
What is XML? [ 什么是XML? ] XML stands for EXtensible Markup Language
XML is a markup language much like HTML
XML was designed to describe data
XML tags are not predefined. You must define your own tags
XML uses a Document Type Definition (DTD) or an XML Schema to describe the data
XML with a DTD or XML Schema is designed to be self-descriptive
XML is a W3C Recommendation
XML 就是 EXtensible Markup Language (支持可扩展标记语言)
XML 是一种 标记语言 类似HTML语言
XML 是被用来 描述数据 的
XML 的标签都没被定义。你必须 对你的标签进行定义
XML 使用 文件类型定义 (DTD) 或是 XML Schema(模型) 对数据进行描述
XML中加入 DTD 或者XML Schema 可以被用来 自我描述
XML 是W3C组织(World Wode Web Consortium)所推荐的
XML is a W3C Recommendation [ XML是 W3C 推荐的 ] The Extensible Markup Language (XML) became a W3C Recommendation 10. February 1998.
可扩展标记语言(XML)在1998年2月10日被W3C 所推荐
The main difference between XML and HTML [ XML 和HTML 之间的主要区别 ] XML was designed to carry data.
XML 是被用来传送数据的
XML is not a replacement for HTML.
XML 还不能代替 HTML 的位置 XML and HTML were designed with different goals:
XML 和HTML有各自不同的用途:
XML was designed to describe data and to focus on what data is.
XML 的产生是用来描述数据并关注数据的实质是什么
HTML was designed to display data and to focus on how data looks.
HTML 则是用来显示数据,它所关注的是数据显示的效果
HTML is about displaying information, while XML is about describing information.
HTML 是用来显示信息~而XML则是来描述信息的
XML does not DO anything [ 什么也不做 ] XML was not designed to DO anything.
Maybe it is a little hard to understand, but XML does not DO anything. XML was created to structure, store and to send information.
这可能有一点难以理解~但是XML的确是不能输出任何数据的~XML 是用与建立结构,存和发送信息的。
The following example is a note to Tove from Jani, stored as XML:
Don't forget me this weekend!
The note has a header and a message body. It also has sender and receiver information. But still, this XML document does not DO anything. It is just pure information wrapped in XML tags. Someone must write a piece of software to send, receive or display it.
这段文档有个首部和 信息的主体~,它同时也有发送者和接受者的信息。但是尽管如此,这个XML文档同样不能够输出任何数据~,它纯粹只是封装在XML标签中的信息。你必需编写一份软件才可可以发送,接收或者是显示这段信息。
XML is free and extensible [ XML是可以自由扩展的 ] XML tags are not predefined. You must “invent” your own tags.
The tags used to mark up HTML documents and the structure of HTML documents are predefined. The author of HTML documents can only use tags that are defined in the HTML standard (like
, etc.).
这个标签常用与把 HTML 文档 标出~并且HTML文档的结构是要被预先定义的,HTML文档建立者仅仅能使用 定义在标准HTML当中的标签(像
, etc.)。
XML allows the author to define his own tags and his own document structure.
XML 允许 创造者定义自己的标签 和自己的文档结构。
The tags in the example above (like and ) are not defined in any XML standard. These tags are “invented” by the author of the XML document.
在上面例子中的标签(像 和 )不能够在任何标准的XML当中定义 这些标签是这个XML文档的作者所“创造”的
XML is a complement to HTML [ XML是对HTML的一种补充 ] XML is not a replacement for HTML.
It is important to understand that XML is not a replacement for HTML. In future Web development it is most likely that XML will be used to describe the data, while HTML will be used to format and display the same data.
My best description of XML is this: XML is a cross-platform, software and hardware independent tool for transmitting information.
对于XML的最佳描述是这样的:XML是 跨平台的~,在传输信息时软件和硬件是相互独立的工具。
XML in future Web development [ XML在未来万维网发展中的展望 ] XML is going to be everywhere.
We have been participating in XML development since its creation. It has been amazing to see how quickly the XML standard has been developed and how quickly a large number of software vendors have adopted the standard.
We strongly believe that XML will be as important to the future of the Web as HTML has been to the foundation of the Web and that XML will be the most common tool for all data manipulation and data transmission.
XML Joke [ XML 笑话 ] Question: When should I use XML?
问: 我该在什么时候使用XML?
Answer: When you need a buzzWord in your resume.
答: 你可以在你的个人简历中写上你会XML。