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学习计算机科学computer-science(简称"CS")的 6个理由

2018-07-30 08:00 星期一 所属: 留学资讯 浏览:1600


学习计算机科学computer-science的 6个理由 



不管你是否喜欢它,你都生活在这里 – 这就是数字时代。计算机程序几乎渗透到我们生活的方方面面。计算机科学家为我们日常使用的程序理论,设计,开发和应用软件和硬件 – 日常生活中我们必不可少,




1110: Introduction to Computing Using Python

简介:研究了基本的编程概念和问题分析。使用适当的高级编程语言。具有以前编程经验的学生和不打算参加CS 111x的学生不应参加此课程。

1112: Introduction to Computing Using MATLAB


1114: Introduction to Computing Using MATLAB and Robotics


1115: Introduction to Computational Science and Engineering Using Matlab Graphical User Interfaces

简介:使用MATLAB编程和解决问题。强调算法和程序的系统开发。主题包括迭代,函数,数组和MATLAB图形。分配旨在建立对复杂性,维度,模糊数据,不精确算术,随机性,模拟和近似作用的理解。速度比(Introduction to Computing Using MATLAB)更快。每项任务都涉及图形用户界面的设计,并突出了计算科学和工程的重要方面。

1130: Transition to Object-Oriented Programming

简介:使用Java介绍面向对象的概念。假设使用MATLAB,C,C ++或Fortran等语言编程知识。

1132: Short Course in MATLAB


1133: Short Course in Python


1300: Introductory Design and Programming for the Web


1305: Computation and Culture in a Digital Age


1380: Data Science for All


1610: Computing in the Arts


1620: Visual Imaging in the Electronic Age


1710: Introduction to Cognitive Science


1810: Topics in the Analysis and Transmission of Knowledge and Information

知识和信息之间的区别在于哲学领域,但在当前高度网络化的计算机媒介世界中,嘈杂的数据和嘈杂的通信无处不在。本课程探讨了在人 – 人,人 – 计算机和计算机 – 计算机三种环境中传输内容和提取信息的相关问题。我们还探讨了当我们从一对一通信转向多对多环境时,问题的本质如何发生变化。

1998: Freshmen and Nontechnical Team Projects


2024: C++ Programming

C ++编程语言和C / C ++标准库的中级介绍。主题包括基本陈述,声明和类型; 流I / O; 用户定义的类和类型; 派生类,继承和面向对象编程; 例外和模板。推荐给计划参加计算机科学高级课程且需要熟悉C ++或C的学生。

2043: UNIX Tools and Scripting


2049: Intermediate iPhone Development



2110: Object-Oriented Programming and Data Structures


2111: Programming Practicum

CS 2110合作,每周会面一小时旨在增强对面向对象编程的理解,使用应用程序编写Java程序,以及其他编程问题,以及CS 2110中出现的理论概念小时花费的方式与研究中的材料相适应 – 选择,问答环节,小组解决问题,一对一帮助等。

2112: Object-Oriented Design and Data Structures – Honors

中级软件设计和关键计算机科学思想的介绍。主题类似于CS 2110中的主题 但是更深入,更具挑战性的任务。主题包括面向对象编程,程序结构和组织,使用规范和不变量的程序推理,递归,设计模式,并发编程,图形用户界面,CS 2110中的数据结构,排序和图算法,渐近复杂度和简单算法分析。Java是主要的编程语言。

2300: Intermediate Design and Programming for the Web


2770: Excursions in Computational Sustainability


2800: Discrete Structures

2850: Networks

3110: Data Structures and Functional Programming

3152: Introduction to Computer Game Architecture

3300: Data-Driven Web Applications

3410: Computer System Organization and Programming

3420: Embedded Systems

3758: Autonomous Mobile Robots

4090: Teaching Experience in Computer Science

4110: Programming Languages and Logics

4120: Introduction to Compilers

4121: Practicum in Compilers

4152: Advanced Topics in Computer Game Architecture

4154: Analytics-driven Game Design

4210: Numerical Analysis and Differential Equations

4220: Numerical Analysis: Linear and Nonlinear Problems

4300: Language and Information

4320: Introduction to Database Systems

4321: Practicum in Database Systems

4410: Operating Systems

4411: Practicum in Operating Systems

4420: Computer Architecture

4450: Introduction to Computer Networks

4620: Introduction to Computer Graphics

4621: Computer Graphics Practicum

4654: Virtual Reality Design

4670: Introduction to Computer Vision

4700: Foundations of Artificial Intelligence

4701: Practicum in Artificial Intelligence

4732: Social and Ethical Issues in AI

4740: Natural Language Processing

4744: Computational Linguistics

4750: Foundations of Robotics

4752: Robotic Manipulation

4754: Human Robot Interaction – Research and Design

4758: Robot Learning

4775: Computational Genetics and Genomics

4780: Machine Learning for Intelligent Systems

4786: Machine Learning for Data Science

4810: Introduction to Theory of Computing

4812: Quantum Information Processing

4814: Introduction to Computational Complexity

4820: Introduction to Analysis of Algorithms

4830: Introduction to Cryptography

4850: Mathematical Foundations for the Information Age

4852: Networks II: Market Design

4860: Applied Logic

4998: Team Projects

4999: Independent Reading and Research

5094: Introduction to Blockchains, Cryptocurrencies, and Smart Contracts

5110: Programming Languages and Logics

5112: Algorithms and Data Structures for Applications

5114: Network Programming Languages

5120: Introduction to Compilers

5121: Practicum in Compilers

5150: Software Engineering

5152: Open-Source Software Engineering

5220: Applications of Parallel Computers

5223: Numerical Analysis: Linear and Nonlinear Problems

5300: The Architecture of Large – Scale Information Systems

5304: Data Science in the Wild

5306: Crowdsourcing and Human Computation

5320: Introduction to Database Systems

5321: Practicum in Database Systems

5412: Cloud Computing

5413: High Performance Systems and Networking

5414: Distributed Computing Principles

5420: Advanced Computer Architecture

5424: Developing and Designing Interactive Devices

5430: System Security

5431: Practicum in System Security

5433: Blockchains, Cryptocurrencies, and Smart Contracts

5434: Defending Computer Networks

5435: Security and Privacy Concepts in the Wild

5436: Privacy in the Digital Age

5437: Principals and Practice of Cryptocurrencies

5439: Practicum in Computer Security

5450: Networked and Distributed Systems

5540: Computational Techniques for Analyzing Clinical Data

5555: Health Tech, Data, and Systems

5620: Introduction to Computer Graphics

5621: Computer Graphics Practicum

5625: Interactive Computer Graphics

5643: Physically Based Animation for Computer Graphics

5650: Virtual and Augmented Reality

5660: Signal Processing

5670: Introduction to Computer Vision

5682: HCI and Design

5724: Evolutionary Computation

5726: Learning and Decision Making

5727: Optimization Methods

5740: Natural Language Processing

5750: Foundations of Robotics

5752: Robotic Manipulation

5780: Machine Learning for Intelligent Systems

5785: Applied Machine Learning

5786: Machine Learning for Data Science

5830: Cryptography

5831: Security Protocols and Privacy

5846: Decision Theory I

5854: Networks and Markets

5860: Introduction to Formal Methods

5998: Master of Engineering Internship

5999: Master of Engineering Project

6110: Advanced Programming Languages

6113: Language-Based Security

6114: Network Programming Languages

6115: Certified Software Systems

6117: Category Theory for Computer Scientists

6118: Types and Semantics

6180: Introduction to Constructive Type Theory

6210: Matrix Computations

6220: Data-Sparse Matrix Computations

6241: Numerical Methods for Data Science

6320: Advanced Database Systems

6360: Educational Technology

6410: Advanced Systems

6411: Systems Principles

6431: Security and Privacy Technologies

6432: Distributed Consensus and Blockchains

6450: Advanced Computer Networking

6452: Datacenter Networks and Services

6453: Big Data Systems: Trends and Challenges

6465: Emerging Cloud Technologies and Systems Challenges

6466: Cryptocurrencies and Smart Contracts

6630: Realistic Image Synthesis

6640: Computational Photography

6644: Recognizing and Modeling the World

6650: Computational Motion

6670: Computer Vision

6700: Advanced Artificial Intelligence

6740: Advanced Language Technologies

6741: Structured Prediction for Natural Language Processing

6742: Natural Language Processing and Social Interaction

6751: Introduction to Robotic Mobile Manipulation

6756: Advanced Topics in Robot Learning: 3D Perception

6758: Robot Learning

6764: Reasoning about Knowledge

6766: Reasoning about Uncertainty

6780: Advanced Machine Learning

6783: Machine Learning Theory

6784: Advanced Topics in Machine Learning

6787: Advanced Machine Learning Systems

6788: Advanced Topic Modeling

6810: Theory of Computing

6815: Pseudorandomness and Combinatorial Constructions

6820: Analysis of Algorithms

6825: The Science Base for the Information Age

6830: Cryptography

6831: Designing Secure Cryptography

6832: Applied Cryptography

6850: The Structure of Information Networks

6860: Logics of Programs

6861: Introduction to Kleene Algebra

7090: Computer Science Colloquium

7190: Seminar in Programming Languages

7192: Seminar in Programming Refinement Logics

7290: Seminar on Scientific Computing and Numerics

7390: Database Seminar

7490: Systems Research Seminar

7493: Computer Security Seminar

7594: Seminar on Computational Issues in Health and Medicine

7670: Special Topics in Computer Vision

7690: Computer Graphics Seminar

7790: Seminar in Artificial Intelligence

7792: Special Topics in Machine Learning

7794: Seminar in Natural Language Understanding

7796: Robotics Seminar

7890: Seminar in Theory of Algorithms and Computing

7893: Cryptography Seminar

7999: Independent Research

9999: Thesis Research



计算机科学家需求很大,他们的工资反映了这一点。计算机科学毕业生平均收入比其他学科的都要高出很多 – 而且他们的薪水是逐年增长。









编程类:C代写,JAVA代写 ,数据库代写,WEB代写,Python代写,Matlab代写,GO语言,R代写




E-mail:850190831@qq.com   微信:BadGeniuscs  工作时间:无休息工作日-早上8点到凌晨3点




