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地理信息科学代写 Research Review代写

2021-12-03 15:51 星期五 所属: Essay代写,essay代写价格便宜机构-靠谱推荐 浏览:474


Geographical Information Science

Assessment two: Spatial Analysis Research Review (25%)


地理信息科学代写 describes research using a particular spatial analysis methodusing some type of geographic data (see some examples below);

Using Google Scholar, select a research paper that meets the following criteria:

  • describes research using a particular spatial analysis methodusing some type of geographic data (see some examples below);
  • published in a scholarly journal with an impact factor (you can usually find this on the journal’s web site as shown in this diagram);
  • published in the last five years;
  • a research paper (not an editorial, review papers, book reviews etc.);
  • different from that selected by your friends;
  • approved by me (email me the pdf for my approval).


You are required to write a 2500 word review that includes the following:  地理信息科学代写

  1. A summary of the main points that the paper covers.  You should demonstrate that you have read and understood the material that is being presented and summarise the main arguments or points raised in the paper in your own words.
  2. Your opinion about the paper.  For example, what do you think are its strengths and weaknesses?  What is its scientific contribution? Are research questions, methodology and results clearly explained? What does it cover/explain well?  What does it do badly?  Was it easy to understand?  Well presented?  What could be improved or added?
  3. A discussion about the type of data addressed in the paper.  Has this type of data been widely researched?  What kinds of real world applications does it have?  Is it important and is it likely to have significant impact on solving the world’s problems?
  4. A discussion about the analysis method applied in the analysis.  What kinds of analysis are commonly used for this type of data?  Is this a standard, or innovative type of analysis given the data involved?  Can you suggest any other kinds of analysis that might have been applied to answer the same research question?
  5. A discussion suggesting other ways in which this analysis methods might be applied, including for different data types, research questions, application areas.


Your submission will be marked on the following criteria:  地理信息科学代写

  1. Evidence of understanding of the material in the paper that you are reviewing.
  2. Ability to critically evaluate the arguments presented.
  3. Ability to explain reasons for particular viewpoints.
  4. Use of other research work to support your points (especially when addressing items 4 and 5).
  5. Grammar and appropriate writing style.
  6. Presentation.

Please include the full citation for your paper at the top of your report, as well as a references section at the end that cites any papers you have used, and don’t forget to properly cite work in your text to avoid plagiarism.  A reminder that there is information on plagiarism here: https://owll.massey.ac.nz/main/referencing.php.




Examples of papers that would be suitable for this assessment (but please do not use these, to avoid duplication):

  • Sinha, P., & Griffith, D. A. (2019). Incorporating sprawl and adjacency measures in land‐use forecasting model: A case study of Collin County, TX. Transactions in GIS, 23(4), 745-768.
  • Wang, Y., & Dou, W. (2019). A fast candidate viewpoints filtering algorithm for multiple viewshed site planning. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 1-16.

The report is to be uploaded to the Stream site by the due date.  Plagiarism is not acceptable, and marks will be deducted.  The University uses TurnItIn software, which detects text copied from web sites or other student assignments (including those from other Universities).  If you use content from another source (either directly or if you simply use the ideas), you must reference it.

A reminder that I am very strict about deadlines for assessment, and there will be a 20% penalty per day for late submission.  Reasonable requests for extensions will be considered with evidence, but they must be made before the deadline.

References  地理信息科学代写

Unless you have strong reasons to use a different system, please use the APA 6 referencing system. This is supported by OWLL, the university learning support website.

Refer to http://owll.massey.ac.nz/referencing/apa-style.php for detailed information and help with citations and referencing.


Presentation of written work


  • All written work must be submitted on A4 (21 cm x 29.7 cm) sized paper setting unless otherwise specified.
  • Use .doc, .docx, .txt or .pdf formats.
  • Include a cover page with your full name and student number, the title, course coordinator, the course, assignment number and course title.






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