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人工智能课业代写 CS 188代写 NLP代写

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CS 188 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Written HW 4

人工智能课业代写 Q1. [35 pts] Probabilistic Language Modeling In lecture, you saw an example of supervised learning where we used Naive Bayes for a binary

Due: Wednesday 4/28/2021 at 10:59pm (submit via Gradescope).

Policy: Can be solved in groups (acknowledge collaborators) but must be written up individually

Submission: It is recommended that your submission be a PDF that matches this template. You may also fill out this template digitally (e.g. using a tablet). However, if you do not use this template, you will still need to write down the below four fields on the first page of your submission.


Q1. [35 pts] Probabilistic Language Modeling   人工智能课业代写

In lecture, you saw an example of supervised learning where we used Naive Bayes for a binary classification problem: to predict whether an email was ham or spam. To do so, we needed a labeled (i.e., ham or spam) dataset of emails. To avoid this requirement for labeled datasets, let’s instead explore the area of unsupervised learning, where we don’t need a labeled dataset. In this problem, let’s consider the setting of language modeling.

Language modeling is a field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) that tries to model the probability of the next word, given the previous words. Here, instead of predicting a binary label of “yes” or “no,” we instead need to predict a multiclass label, where the label is the word (from all possible words of the vocabulary) that is the correct word for the blank that we want to fill in.

One possible way to model this problem is with Naive Bayes. Recall that in Naive Bayes, the features X1, …, Xm are assumed to be pairwise independent when given the label Y . For this problem, let Y be the word we are trying to predict, and our features be Xi for i = n, …, 1, 1, …, n, where Xi is the word i places from Y . For example, in the sequence Neural networks ____ a lot, X2 = Neural, X1 = networks, Y = the blank word (our label), X1 = a, and X2 = lot.

(a)   人工智能课业代写

First, let’s examine the problem of language modeling with Naive Bayes.

(i) [1 pt] Draw the Bayes net structure for the Naive Bayes formulation of modeling the middle word of a sequence given two preceding words and two succeeding words. You may think of the example sequence listed above:

Neural networks ____ a lot.

(ii) [1 pt] Write the joint probability P(X2, X1, Y, X1, X2) in terms of the relevant conditional probability tables (CPTs) from the Bayes net.

(iii) [1 pt] What is the size of the largest CPT involved in calculating the joint probability? Assume a vocabulary size of V , so each variable can take on one of V possible values.

(iv) [1 pt] Write an expression for the most probable value yof Y given observed values x2, x1, x1, x2, in terms of CPTs from the Bayes net. (Hint: Your answer should involve some kind of arg max.)

(v) [2 pts] Describe the main issue of Naive Bayes assumptions for language modeling.

(vi) [1 pt] Provide an example 5 word sequence (where the Naive Bayes model tries to predict the third word) where the posterior probability of that third word P(Y |Xi) would likely be very erroneous due to the problem you described with Naive Bayes assumptions in the previous subpart. Justify why this sequence would be problematic to Naive Bayes.

Now, let’s change our setting a bit. Instead of trying to fill in a blank given surrounding words, we are now only given the preceding words. Say that we have a sequence of words: X1, …, Xm1, Xm. We know X1:m1 but we don’t know Xm.

(b)   人工智能课业代写

For this part, assume that every word is conditioned on all previous words. We will call this the Sequence Model.

(i) [1 pt] Draw the Bayes net (of only X1, X2, X3, X4, X5) for a 5-word sequence, where we want to predict the fifth word in a sequence X5 given the previous four words X1, X2, X3, X4. Again, we are assuming here that each word depends on all previous words.

(ii) [1 pt] Write an expression for the joint distribution of a general sequence of length m: P(X1, …, Xm).

(iii) [1 pt] What is the size of the largest CPT involved in calculating the joint probability? Assume a vocabulary size of V , so each variable can take on one of possible V values.

(c)   人工智能课业代写

The CPT size in this model grows without bound (and very fast) as m increases, which shows how infeasible the sequence model is. Instead of the model above, let’s now examine another modeling option: N-grams. In N-gram language modeling, we add back some conditional independence assumptions to bound the size of the CPTs that we consider. Instead of taking into account all previous words we use instead the previous N 1 words. This creates the assumption that, given the previous N 1 words, the current word is conditionally independent of any word before the previous N 1 words. For example, for N = 3, if we are trying to predict the 100th word, then given the previous N 1 = 2 words (98th and 99th words), then the 100th word is independent of words 1, . . . , 97 of the sequence.

(i) [1 pt]    人工智能课业代写

Making these additional conditional independence assumption changes our Bayes net. Redraw the Bayes net from part (b)(i) to represent this new N-gram modeling of our 5-word sequence: X1, X2, X3, X4, X5. Use N = 3.

(ii) [2 pts] Write an expression for the N-gram representation of the joint distribution of a general sequence of length m: P(X1, …, Xm). Please use set notation (for example: For tokens Xi , …, Xj , please write something of the form Xi:j ). Your answer should express the joint distribution P(X1:m), in terms of m and N.

Hint: If you find it helpful, try it for the 5 word graph above first before going to a general m length sequence.

(iii) [1 pt] What is the size of the largest CPT involved in calculating the joint probability above? Again, assume a vocabulary size of V , and m > N.

(iv) [2 pts] Describe one disadvantage of using N-gram over Naive Bayes.

(v) [4 pts] Describe an advantage and disadvantage of using N-gram over the Sequence Model above.


In this question, we see a real-world application of smoothing in the context of language modeling.




(i) [1 pt] Based on the above dataset and counts, what is the N-gram estimate for N = 1, for the sequence of 3 tokens i am ham? In other words, what is P(i, am, ham) for N = 1?

(ii) [1 pt] Based on the above dataset and counts, what is the N-gram estimate for N = 2, for the sequence of 3 tokens i am ham? In other words, what is P(i, am, ham) for N = 2?

(iii) [1 pt] What is the importance of smoothing in the context of language modeling?

Hint: see your answer for the previous subquestion.




(v) [4 pts]

What is a potential problem with Laplace smoothing? Propose a solution. (Assume that you have chosen the best k, so finding the best k is not a problem.)

Hint: Consider the effect of smoothing on a small CPT.

(vi) [2 pts] Let the likelihood L(k) = P(i, am, sam), give an expression for the log likelihood ln L(k) of this sequence after k-smoothing. Continue to assume N = 2.

(vii) [4 pts] Describe a procedure we could do to find a reasonable value of k. No mathematical computations needed.

Hint: you might want to maximize the log likelihood ln L(k) on something.


Q2. [30 pts] Machine Learning   人工智能课业代写

In this question, we will attempt to develop more intuition about how neural networks work. In parts (a) and (b), we will discuss gradient descent, and in part (c) we look at backprop.



(iii) [2 pts] Carry out one iteration of gradient descent (i.e., weight update). What are the resulting weight and corresponding post-update loss for the scenarios below? Plot the loss function (w2) by hand and, for each of the two scenarios below, draw the direction in which w is updated (an arrow on the w axis from wold to wnew).

  1. α = 0.1, w = 2
  2. α = 1, w = 2

(iv) [4 pts] Assume w is initialized to some nonzero value. Assume we are still working with Loss(w) = w2

  1. For which value(s) of α does gradient descent cause w converge to w in the least amount of steps?
  2. For what range of α does w never converge?

Hint: for what values of γ does the iteration wt = γwt1 fail to converge?

(v) [2 pts]

Why must α always be positive when performing gradient descent?




(i) [1 pt] Why do neural networks use gradient descent for optimization instead of just taking the derivative and setting it equal to 0? Explain in 1-2 sentences. You may use the example error function from above to explain your reasoning.

(ii) [1 pt] What is the optimal w , given the loss above?

(iii) [2 pts] Let α and w take on the values below. For each case, perform some update steps and report whether or not gradient descent will converge to the optimum w after an infifinite number of steps. If not, report whether it converges to some other value, or does not converge to any value.

  1. α = 1, w = 0
  2. α = 1, w = 2
  3. α = 1, w = 1
  4. α = 0.1, w = 3
  5. α = 0.1, w = 2
  6. α = 0.1, w = 10

(iv) [1 pt] From the subquestion above, explain in 1-2 sentences the effect of learning rate being (a) too high and (b) too low.


Let’s now look at some basic neural networks drawn as computation graphs.

(i) [1 pt] Consider the following computation graph, which represents a 1-layer neural network.




  1. Write the equation for the network’s output (y = f(x)) in terms of m, x, b.
  2. Describe the types of functions that can be encoded by such a network, given that the parameters that it can vary are m and b.

(ii) [1 pt] Let’s stack two of the above graphs together to represent a very simple 2-layer neural network.



  1. Write the equation for y = f(x) in terms of m1, m2, b1, b2, x.
  2. Describe the types of functions that can be encoded by such a network, given that the parameters that it can vary are m1, m2, b1, b2). Compare this with the previous neural network’s expressive power.
  3. Is this actually a 2-layer network? If it is, explain in 1-2 sentences. If not, rewrite it (algebraically) as a 1-layer network with only 2 learnable weights. Why do neural networks need nonlinear nodes in the computation graph?

(iii) [2 pts] Now, let’s go back to the first NN and add a nonlinear node. Recall ReLU(x) = max (0, x). Also consider a loss function Loss(y, y) which represents the error between our network’s output (y) and the true label (y ) from the dataset. We will perform an abbreviated version of backpropagation on this network.




  1. What is the gradient descent update rule for updating m? What is the update rule for b?



(e) [2 pts]

Draw the binary perceptron prediction function as a “neural-network”-styled computation graph. Assume 3 dimensional weight and feature vectors: that is, [w0, w1, w2] is the weight vector and [f0(x), f1(x), f2(x)] is the feature vector, with x being an arbitrary and potentially high-dimensional object. Recall that in the perceptron algorithm, we take the dot product of the weight vector and the feature vector. In addition to the addition and multiplication nodes, add a loss node at the end, to represent the prediction error that we would like to minimize. Label the edge which represents the perceptron model’s output as y.

Hint: y = sign(w0 f0(x) + w1 f1(x) + w2 f2(x))



Q3. [20 pts] MDPs and RL   人工智能课业代写

The agent is in a 2 × 4 gridworld as shown in the figure. We start from square 1 and finish in square 8. When square 8 is reached, we receive a reward of +10 at the game end. For anything else, we receive a constant reward of 1 (you can think of this as a time penalty).

1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8

The actions in this MDP include: up, down, left and right. The agent cannot take actions that take them off the board. In the table below, we provide initial non-zero estimates of Q values (Q values for invalid actions are left as blanks):

Table 1

action=up action=down action=left action=right
state=1 Q(1, down)=4 Q(1, right)=3
state=2 Q(2, down)=6 Q(2, left)=4 Q(2, right)=5
state=3 Q(3, down)=8 Q(3, left)=5 Q(3, right)=7
state=4 Q(4, down)=9 Q(4, left)=6
state=5 Q(5, up)=5 Q(5, right)=6
state=6 Q(6, up)=4 Q(6, left)=5 Q(6, right)=7
state=7 Q(7, up)=6 Q(7, left)=6 Q(7, right)=8


Your friend Adam guesses that the actions in this MDP are fully deterministic (e.g. taking down from 2 will land you in 6 with probability 1 and everywhere else with probability 0). Since we have full knowledge of T and R, we can thus use the Bellman equation to improve (i.e., further update) the initial Q estimates.




(iii) [1 pt] For the Q update rule prescribed above, how is it different from the Q learning update that we saw in lecture, which is Qk+1(s, a) = (1 α)Qk(s, a) + α sample?


After observing the agent for a while, Adam realized that his assumption of T being deterministic is wrong in one specific way: when the agent tries to legally move down, it occasionally ends up moving left instead (except from grid 1 where moving left results in out-of-bound). All other movements are still deterministic.



(c) [2 pts]

Suppose that we have a mysterious oracle that can give us either all the correct Q-values Q(s, a) or all the correct state values V (s). Which one do you prefer to be given if you want to use it to find the optimal policy, and why?

(d) [2 pts]

Suppose that you perform actions in this grid and observe the following episode: 3, right, 4, down, 8 (terminal).

With learning rate α = 0.2, discount γ = 0.9, perform an update of Q(3, right) and Q(4, down). Note that here, we update Q values based on the sampled actions as in TD learning, rather than the greedy actions.





Your friend Cody argues that we could still explicitly calculate Q updates (like Adam’s approach in part (a)) even if we don’t know the true underlying transition function T(s, a, s0 ), because he believes that our T can be roughly approximated from samples.

(i) [2 pts] Suppose you collect 1,000 transitions from s = 3, a = Down, in the form of (sstart, a, send). Describe how you can use these samples to compute Tapprox(s = 3, a = Down, s’), which is an approximation of the true underlying (unknown) T(s, a, s’).

(s =3, a = Down, s’= 6) (s = 3, a= Down, s’=7)
99 901

(ii) [1 pt] Now perform one step of q-value iteration based on your transition model computed above.


Q4. [15 pts] Text Generation   人工智能课业代写

Now we will implement some of the ideas from Q1 and Q2 in code (in a Google Colab Notebook, link posted on piazza) to perform language modeling, and then use the language model to generate some novel text!

(a) [10 pts]

You will implement some of the math you computed earlier to complete the following functions in the provided N-gram class. Note that if you follow our hints, this should not require more than 15 total lines of code for all the functions below.

First, follow the instructions in the instruction PDF to set up your Google Colab Notebook.

You will need to implement the following functions:

  • count_words
  1. This function returns a dictionary with the count of each word in self.text_list.
  2. HINT: You can do this in one line by using collections.Counter.
  1. This function converts a dictionary of counts from count_words and normalizes the counts into probabilities.
  2. HINT: You can do this in 1-2 lines by using self.normalize_dict(…)
  • probs_to_neg_log_probs
  1. This function converts an inputted dictionary of probabilities probs_dict into a dictionary of negative log probabilities.
  2. HINT: Use np.log.
  • filter_adj_counter
  1. This function is a little more complicated. Given a length N 1 tuple of tokens and their associated counts (frequencies), this function searches through all the length N phrases it has stored in self.adj_counter (or is passed in via the argument adj_counter) and returns a dictionary with only the length N phrases with the same first N 1 words as word_tuple, plus their associated counts (frequencies). See the docstring for a concrete example.
  2. HINT1: Use phrase[:len(word_tuple)] to get a tuple of the first N 1 words of each N-length phrase in the adj_counter to compare with word_tuple.
  3. HINT2: We are returning the filtered dictionary which is stored in the variable subset_word_adj_counter, so you need to modify this dictionary in some way.
  1. This function calculates the non-smoothed empirical probability of a length n phrase occurring given length n1 tuple of tokens prev_phrase. In other words, it calculates P(current token|previous N – 1 tokens).

The probability is based on counts, exactly like how we calculated probabilities in the green eggs and ham example earlier in this problem without smoothing.

  1. HINT1: You need to defifine prob because it is being returned.
  2. HINT2: You need to normalize filtered_adj_counter which is alreadydefined for you.
  • calc_neg_log_prob_of_sentence
  1. This function calculates and returns the negative log probability of the entire sequence of tokens sentence_list given a probability function p_func(which is either the smoothed or the nonsmoothed probabilities).
  2. HINT1: curr_word_prob is defifined for you, and is P(currToken|previous N – 1 tokens).
  3. HINT2: cum_neg_log_prob is what the function returns. For each iteration of the for-loop, what must we do to update cum_neg_log_prob?
  4. HINT3: Think about how we combine log probabilities for each word.
  • calc_prob_of_sentence
  1. This function calculates and returns the probability of a sequence of tokens.
  2. HINT1: Use the function you just wrote, calc_neg_log_prob_of_sentence.
  3. HINT2: Use np.exp.

(b) [3 pts]    人工智能课业代写

After writing the above functions and mounting the corpus on your google drive, you should be able to run the text generation algorithm. This algorithm works by first using the N-gram model to construct CPTs (as we saw earlier in this homework). Then, it uses the CPTs to generate a sequence of words that our model thinks can occur with relatively “high probability.” Our hope is that the “high probability” sequences are sequences of words that make some kind of sense.

Run the text generation algorithm and record (in the spaces below) some of your N-gram model-generated sentences with the following parameters. Please do these in order or else you will be very disappointed by the mediocrity of the text generated. What are the effects of increasing N and k on the quality of the generated text? Modify the N, k variables in the “play with params in code here” section.

  1. N = 1, k = 1
  2. N = 2, k = 1
  3. N = 2, k = 5
  4. N = 3, k = 1
  5. N = 3, k = 5

(c) [1 pt]    人工智能课业代写

Now, perform language modeling on a dataset/corpus of your choosing. Select a corpus, put it in a text file, and upload it to the google drive folder with all the other .txt files you uploaded earlier. Then redefine training_corpora_path_list under the comment “REDEFINE training_corpora_path_list here if you wish to use your own corpus” and use the model to perform text generation (as you did above). For good results, select a corpus at least 50,000 words long. If you are not feeling creative, feel free to use the other files in the cs188whw4public folder.

Below, write a sentence that your N-gram model generated on your custom corpus.

(d) [0 pts]

So far, we have used N-gram to do language modeling and text generation. We can also use N-gram, with some modifications (that staff has already coded for you) to capitalize a sequence of words correctly. This is done using probability maximization; in other words, which options of capitalization look most like things we have seen in the training dataset. The current implementation is slow, but using the Viterbi Algorithm can help speed it up.

Run the capitalization script on the strings provided (you do not need to make any changes for this part). If you wrote your code correctly, you should get capitalizations of the inputted sentences that make sense. In other words, your model is smart enough to know when to capitalize tricky words like “united!”

(e) [1 pt]    人工智能课业代写

In Question 2, you used Chain Rule to derive the backpropagation equations for a simple loss function, small network, and low-dimensional problem. As these various aspects of the problem get harder, it quickly becomes impractical to derive every equation by hand. Luckily, there are great libraries available which automate the backpropagation process for the neural networks that you create. On your Colab Notebook, run the NN program that we have provided.

This code revisits the text generation problem from earlier. However, instead of using Naive Bayes or N-grams for modeling, it uses a neural network. Briefly describe the improvements in text generation from using this neural network (the Transformer model) over what you were able to accomplish with N-grams.

(f) [0 pts]

Submission Directions: On your colab, please go to File Download .py, and submit this python file to gradescope. We will set up an autograder for the coding portion after the due date. Note that the autograder will not run if you do not submit a python file!




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